Chapter 2 - Water washout

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"Alright ladies" the boys with blond hair winked walking past and inside. Graces heart was beating a mile a minute, her hands were clammy and she was having trouble standing. Broke looked at her and laughed. 

"It looked like you'd never seen a boy in your life grace" broke laughed. 

"No, he's not a boy he's a miracle holey hell the gods probably fashioned him with their own hands out of diamonds" grace said, the vision of the boy fashioned into her mind already. 

"That’s true, If this is the surprise it's like Christmas" brook said.

"Oh I would give him a Christmas present. Have you seen his bum?" grace said.

"Well I think in that case we better go upstairs and see what we are going to wear for dinner" 

"I agree" grace said. Just as grace was about to turn around a tone of freezing cold water was poured over her head from one of the upstairs windows, brook had jumped away just in time but graze was soaked right though. She screamed and looked up, the only plus side she was wearing waterproof makeup. Fay was there on the second floor with her head out of the window. 

"Oh I’m so sorry Grace you look a little fluttered anyway" Fay said slyly. 

"You're such a bitch Fay" Grace called before walking back inside. she would most certainly get called to the head, there were new boys that had been here not even five minutes and Grace already looked like a prostitute with her half open soaking wet shirt with her clearly visible red bra on and shirt, now tight skirt. 

"Come on let’s get you cleaned up" Brook said pushing open the doors. Perfect, grace thought to herself as all of the boys were still in the reception. They all turned and stared, half laughed, the younger half while the older half wolf whistled and winked. 

"Grace!" grace heard Mr Dale call from across the room. Grace rolled her eyes and turned. "My office, now!" Grace didn't hesitate she started walking towards the wooden oak door on the left. Mr Dale followed behind her as she walked though it into her office. She sat down behind a grand incredibly shiny desk adjusting her skirt before doing so. "Grace would you care to tell me why on earth you look like this?"  

"Fay" that one word and Mrs seamed to understand. Mrs nodded. 

"Well no harm done, go and get yourself washed up" Mrs said. Grace turned and walked swiftly out of the office. All of the boys had gone from the reception most were on their way up the stairs case but some outside. Grace walked, well slumped up the stairs passing boys, each seamed to make a comment of some sort. All of the girls were scattered around hoping to get a view of the new boys. Grace was finally on the top floor and turned a left then another left until and then came to her hall. The hall had two rooms one of which was hers the other wasn't occupied, well hadn't been but it probably was now. Just that second the blond boy from earlier and his three friends opened the door. And it gets better, Grace sarcastically though to herself. 

"Wow what happened to you?" he asked. 

"Water" Grace said slightly flustered. 

"No shit Sherlock" he laughed "I mean how" 

"Oh this girl, Fay, she kinda hates me for no reason" Grace said casually turning to make her heart beat slow down. 

"aaa pranks, i already like this school. I’m Luke by the way this is Calum, Michael and Ashton" 

"Oh this isn't even getting started. Nice to meet you I'm Grace"

"By the way Grace, I can see your bra" the boy said making you blush. 

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