Chapter 2: The Island of Kaeillindor

Start from the beginning

'If the first part of the island is just like any other, welcoming and full of superb scenery, this one is far from that', Edward said.

I felt a chill down the spine.

'That's just stupid', I added in mockery.

'I think that...'

'Then we should have taken the other road. We can still go back, you know. You still have time to change your mind.'

'No thanks, Edward. The dead area of the island frightens me more. Even Meya avoids it and you know that your mom does not scare off that easily.'

Although a part of me was curious to see what Christine was talking about, I realised that, in fact, it was better I didn't know.'

We walked away from that area and came across another stretch of thick vegetation.

When we finally arrived to the inhabited area I was very pleased to see a combination of various architectonic styles. The predominantly white modest houses combined with the more vivid colours of the big pompous buildings. The large yards and enormous gardens embellished with all sorts of statues and fountains placed in the middle of fields of flowers – each more different and special; the meticulously pruned hedges which kept company to the various fruit trees.

People were already hustling and bustling on the narrow and busy streets that sprung from the main street. Although it was still very early in the morning, the entire community was up and running. Even children not more than twelve years old saw freely to their activities. Shouldn't they be sleeping at this hour? It was holiday time. Waking up early had always been a problem for me.

Christine answered my questions as though she would be a mind reader. Or perhaps she just checked out my face which definitely showed total confusion.

'People here work hard to make a better future for them of just for having what to put on the table the next day. If there is a lot that needs to be done then those families have their children working also. Living here is a lot more difficult.'

'Yeah...not many can afford to just stay and do nothing', said Edward while starring at Christine. She turned her back at him and ignored him.

'I'm guessing there's no telephone reception here...or is there?'

'No, there is no reception. We use our own methods...'

I sighed. There is so much that I have to learn...

I looked around at the crowd wondering how they all got to live in a place like this. I assume that most of them were born here.

'Your room is already prepped', Christine said. 'I chose the colour and all the decorations although Brysena took care of everything else. Brysena is one of the many employees of father's;' she cleared it for me before I even had the chance to ask.

That's when we stopped in front of a huge building, truly impressive.

'Is this where you live?'

'Yes, it's wonderful, isn't it?'

'Wow...' that was all that I managed to say.

The gothic style building was no doubt the size of a palace: tall walls, not too thick and supported on the outside by buttresses that finished in sharp arches; numerous windows, tall and wide with flare-like frames and divided longitudinally by see-through stained glass columns which allowed light to enter the room abundantly. A beautifully coloured rose window framed the door on top. On the last floor of the building – out of the three – a bas relief representing the phases of the moon stood out.

The Magic Pawn Series: The Discovery (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now