chapter 22

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Today was the day when the girls will transfer to another school. The all nervose.

Night before going to another school           


All of them packed their things couse the school are far away from the house. So they need to move to another house. The house was acctually sandara unnie's old house. She said that the house did not use for awhile so they need to clean it and the house also near the school. She said that the school was acttually her school when she was a student. Sandara unnie also helped when they were packing stuff. When everything is done, they take some rest and eat together. The boys face were really sad and jungkook did not want to eat. Afyer eating the girls take their bag and go inside the taxi that wait infront of the house. They will move on tonight. Saying goodbye to each other and they go inside the taxi. The taxi driver drove them. They waving to their friends for the last time. They feel sad inside but they also feel happy couse they have each other.

Arrive at the old house

"Thank you ajusshi." (Givving money to the driver.)

Iu: wow this house is so scary~

Hyeri: right? Im scared. How about we go to hotell??

Naeun: no!! We dont have many money to stay at hotel. *shaking voice*

Iu: well then, lets go inside. Im freezing

They go inside it and supprise couse.....

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To be countinue. I have no idea what am i writting now.

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