chapter 5

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Hyeri: its just eunha...
Iu: is she coming here?
Hyeri: no, she go somewhere else.
Iu: what? Where?!
Hyeri: bula...😔

Eunha  in her mind

"I thought it just him... oh god.. why did he bought his friend to. Didn't he know its dangerous whe there only one youja and 4 namja... ." Eunha sigh laudly.

Eunha look at her back and shook when a boy pat her shoulder." Uhhh... ne." (Fake smile)

"Of course she ok, don't worry luhan." Said jungkook.

Lee jong gi: did we almost there?
Eunha: yes.

   A few blocks later...
Eunha: we already arrive.

Kring.. the door bell ring when eunha enter the restaurant.

"Appa!" Shout eunha.
"Ouh, eunha ya!!" Said eunha appa.

Eunha: appa today i bought you some coustemers.
Mr. Jung: are they your friends.
Eunha: no..they not my...

Jisoo: ne! We are eunha friends!😁😁
Eunha: what the heck?

Then eunha appa give them place to seat.
"So what did you want to eat today?" Said eunha appa.

Jong gi: can we have a grill meat and steamboat?
Mr. Jung: ok... how about drink?
Luhan: i think we will drink juice today.
Mr. Jung: ok!
Eunha: appa can i help you too?

Then eunha stand up and go to the kitchen with her appa. She quickly tied her hair and wear her apron. Then she heat the fire and put the grill and steamboat on it. She also serve the drink and meat. Then eunha appa come and said "please eat."
All of them said " kahmsamida for this food."
They all eat like they did not eat for a hundred years. I bet they really hungry.

Jungkook: eunha! Did you did not want to eat with us?
Eunha: no... thak you. You guys can eat.

jong gi: wow this food is so yummy.
Mr. Jung: khamsamida. So, how was your first day school.
Ji soo: it was fun today.
Mr. Jung: did you guys same class with my daughter eunha.
Jungkook: ne!
Mr. Jung: so, how was my daughter in the class?

Eunha:aishh... appa!!
Mr. Jung: why did i just say anything wrong?
Eunha: we can talk about this later.
(Eunha wisper to her father ears)
* dont ask anything like that again ok.*😠
Mr. Jung only laugh.

After a while...

"Did you guys already have finnish eating" ask eunha.
" ne, khamsamida eunha" said jungkook.
After that eunha make her job which is cleaning the table. Then she call her father befour left the resraurant. All of them saying goodbye to my father. They even said to come back again here

On the way to home.

Eunha turn towards us and bowed "i hope you guys go home safetly."

Then Luhan said to his friend
"Where are we gonna sleep today?
Eunha:what you guys didnt have a place to stay? (In shook) so where are you guys live before?
Ji soo: you didnt know? Were just trnsfere to this school today. We are from school in the L.A that need to transfer to this school for a year.
Eunha: so really you dont have any place to stay today?
Jungkook: yes.

In deep thinking eunha said, why did not you guys go to my father house.

Beep~ the fon ringgin
Eunha: yeobosaeo? Ahh appa. Bo? For how long? Ok. Bye.😅😅

Luhan: why did you not ask your father permision?
Eunha: my father have to go to jeju island for a while to meet his old friend.why didnt you guys stay at a house rent?
Luhan: where?
Then eunha call her friends.

Iu: eunha where are you?
Eunha: hey can you give some helps? Jebal!
Iu: ok what is it?


They all supprise when eunha said with akwardly" you can stay at my house".

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