chapter 2

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Now it's break time. There is no gs in the cafeteria. Theres only bs( boy student) in it.
      Bs 1: where is gs?
       Bs 2: you doesnt need to know...

       Oh before i forgot!? The new students are Jeon Jungkook,lee jong gi,Ji soo,and Luhan.😅😅

So handsomm~
I bet they doesnt have a girlfriend yet.
*and bla...bla...bla...*

Jungkook: how are we gonna go to the cafeteria now?
Ji soo: this girls are to many?
Luhan: hey, can you girls mive a little bit. We need to go to the cafeteria.

Sadly no one wants to move... . Suddenly.... look there a girl climbing that old tree. Scream a girl.

All people are supprise.

At the old tree.

Na'eun: Eunha ya!!! Carefull! Dont hurt yourself ok!
Iu: eunha ppali... that kitten is almost fell.

They all supprise when many people vome towards them.

Eunha:why so many people comming here? Did they know it's dangerouse here?

Hyeri: you almost there!
Eunha:hah! Finnally.

Then she take the kitten and put it inside her backpack. Many people start to scream such as
Did she crazy! Ya!!! Pabo! Get down now! Did you wanna die?

Hyeri: eunha did you get that kitten?
Eunha:ne!! Im gonna get down now!

Slowly eunha get down from the old tree. But... kreak....
One of the branche that eunha step was broke. She fell from the old tree. The tree is so tall. If someone fell from it they will die. Many people froze for a while. Iu want to catch eunha but she too scared.
     Suddenly a boy cath eunha. Eunha open her eyes and see a boy. She shook. Eunha start to cry. That boy who save her was jungkook.

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