"He's alive?!" She said and hid behind a pillow

"Why'd you go here?" I asked him

He didn't speak, like I was talking to no one

"Celsie, calm down. It's okay, he won't harm you...." I said and put Jungkook on her table

"I heard screaming, what's wrong?" Bami barged in the room

"K-Kookie's alive!" Celsie said

"......get ready, it's already seven...." She said and left the room

"Tell me what happened..." I said

"He came toy room, and stood there looking like a haunted doll!" She pointed at the end of her bed

"Don't worry Celsie, he won't harm you.... He's good..." I patted her back

"I-I'll be in the bathroom...." She got up and walked out

"Mind telling me why you suddenly barged in here?" I asked looking at him

He didn't move at all, it just feels like I'm talking to a normal toy....

"If you don't want to answer, it's fine. I won't push you...." I said and walked to him

"I'll take you back to my room..." I said and took him

I went back to my room and put him on my bed, tucking him...

"It's still early, so just go back to sleep...." I said and looked at him

If someone saw me, they'll think I'm crazy...

I sighed and went to the door



"When the necklace glows... Come see me as soon as you can..." He said

I nodded and went outside...

"Hey Cess, get ready. We're going to school in a few minutes..." Celsie said while drinking coffe

"A-Are you... Okay now?" I asked her

She sighed and put her coffee down...

"To be honest Princess, no I'm not. Seeing supernatural things early in the morning isn't really my thing, but I'll be okay soon. I never thought toys can talk, nor move...." She bluntly said

"It's okay Celsie, Kookie won't hurt you. He's not that kind of person..." I smiled and headed to the bathroom to do necessary things...


We were heading to school, I decided to bring Jungkook along since he's small and he's my responsibility now...

"We're here...." Bami, who was driving, informed us

We went out along with Celsie, Bami parking the car...

"Let's go?" Celsie said

"What about Bami?" I asked

"She's got some business to do, so she'll catch up..." She gestured me to go inside

We went in the school gates, not expecting many people yet since it's still early...

And I was correct, I only saw a person or two walking in the school fields....

We walked to the 2nd floor, since our classroom belonged there...

We entered the classroom, opening the closed door and windows...

I positioned myself in the middle row, the last chair near the window. Celsie sat on a chair to my left....

"Wanna go buy an early snack?" Celsie asked as I nodded

"You go ahead, I'll go to the bathroom first...." I excused myself

I went to the bathroom with my school bag. As I entered one of the cubicles, I pulled out Jungkook...

"You alright?" I asked

"If being stuffed in a bag with almost no air to inhale, Yeah, I'm perfectly fine..." He said in an annoyed tone

"Oh come on Kookie, don't be such a grumpy grandpa...." I giggled

"I told you my names Jungkook, not Kookie.. " he said

"Ooookay, I'll just put you in my bag in the whole day. I'll leave it open so you can live..." I said and he nodded

"Can we go to the library when it's lunch break?" He asked

"Why?" I asked

"I'll show you something..." He said

"Alright..." I smiled and put him back in my bag

I returned to class and saw someone sitting on my chair...

The Cursed Love | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now