Niam Horayne and Larry Stylinson Vampire Story

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*Niall's POV*

Harry and I were on our usual nightly walk, Harry wanted to lead this time and the fucker got us lost...great.

"Harry I told you the short cut was fake!" I cry.

"Sorry! I didn't know it would lead to the middle of no where!" he defends.

I roll my eyes. "Were not in the middle of the no where, were near the graveyard."

Harry stiffens. "Graveyard? What time is it?!"

I check my phone.

"Midnight. Why?"

He gulps. "We should get out of here..midnight is when the vampires come out."

I laugh.

"Harry there's no such thing as vampires! Their just myths."

"No their not! Their real and come out at midnight to feed!"

I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, lets just go home, its late and ours mums must be worried sick."

"Good. Cause I don't want to be here when the vampires come out."

"Their not gonna come out, now c'mon."

We walk away from the graveyard and thanks to me, we find the road back to town.

We start walking home and when we get to Harry's street, we say goodbye and go our separate ways.

I walk for a little while then I'm in my neighborhood and I can see my house.

I speed walk up to my house and pull out my keys and unlock the door.

"Niall honey? Is that you?" my mum asks.

"No, its a murderer who has the keys to the house!" I say sarcastically.

"Alright I'm just making sure." she says.

"Okay well, I'm going up to my room, call me when your done heating up my dinner!"

"Alright sweetheart."

I make my way up the stairs and open my bedroom door and step inside and close it behind me.

I take off my jacket and throw it on my desk chair and kick off my shoes then flop onto my bed.

I sigh and grab the TV remote and turn on my TV.

I flip through some channels and settle on Nickelodeon and watch SpongeBob SquarePants.

"Niall!", my mum calls, "Dinners ready!"

"Coming!" I call back.

I get up off my bed and walk back down the stairs and into the kitchen where I see a plate of food and a drink waiting for me.

"Thanks mum." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Your welcome, darling. Now, I'm off to bed, clean up when your done alright?"

I nod and she kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight Niall."

"Night mum."

She leaves the kitchen and I go back to my delicious food.

When I'm done, I rinse my plate and fork in the sink and go back upstairs to my room.

I flop back down on my bed and continue watching TV until I fall asleep.


The next morning my TV is turned off and I have a blanket over me, I swear I had my TV on and no blanket on me when I fell asleep...did mum do this? Maybe.

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