(17) the family

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It had been a week since break had started and it was 2 weeks until Christmas. Farkle and my parents had been getting along and amazingly Auggie loved Farkle.

They had hung out without me. Coming back was good until I relished I had no friends here. It wasn't a good time during high school.

I walked into my childhood room which was still decorated the way I decorated at the beginning of high school. I slumped down onto my bed and just laid there letting the cold breeze coming through the bay window hit the back of my neck.

"Hey Riles," I hear Farkle say as he opens the door.
"Hey Farkley," I say rolling over so I can see him.
"Whatcha doing," Farkle says as he lays next to me.
"Nothing, where have you been all day," I ask him.
"Auggie wants to go present shopping with me for you," Farkle says.
"He really likes you, you know," I say.
"I can tell but I don't think your dad likes me," Farkle says pulling a concerned face.
"He does he is just still in overprotective dad mode," I say smiling at how cute Farkle is.
"And your mom is way nice. You're lucky you know. Growing up in a little happy bubble with happy parents," Farkle says.
"Yeah, I guess so," I say smiling.
"My parents are nothing like yours," Farkle say now frowning.
"They can't be that bad," I say.
"I got 94% on a test once and thy wouldn't talk to me. And they always are at each other. Like always arguing," Farkle says.
"They can't be that bad," I say.
"I haven't talked to them since I moved into college. I genuinely tried to call weekly but they always texted saying 'call you later' and later just hasn't happened yet," Farkle says gloomily.
"I love you Farkle," I say feeling bad for his upbringing.
"Love you too princess," Farkle replied snuggling closer to me.

My phone rings ruining the moment but it is Maya so I pick up.
"Hey Riley," she says beginning our conversation.
"Heyo," I say.
"I got news," she says.
"What is it," I say dragging out the it.
"So I have been seeing this guy Josh is is a senior at NYU," she says quickly.
"Why don't you tell me," I say slightly upset.
"Wasn't serious but I'm staying with him for Christmas. He is going to his brothers who lives and Greenwich Village who also is your dad," she says making me excited.
"Your dating my UNCLE," I shout to my phone.
"Yes that is correct but don't be mad," she says.
"Mad. I'm anything from mad we are spending Christmas together," I say smiling into my phone.
"Cool well I have to go cause he food just arrived," Maya says.
"Bye," I say hanging up the phone.

"So Maya will be with us on Christmas," Farkle says.
"Yes did you hear what she said," I say excitedly.
"Yes you were both practically shouting," he says.
"Sorry," I say pouting.
"How can anyone not be made happy after that face," Farkle says smiling.
"I don't know," I say walking towards the door.
"Don't leave," Farkle says.
"Have to check if dinner is cooking," I say.
"Fine," Farkle says not moving.

I walk out of my room and down the hall into the kitchen to see my mom unpacking Chinese bags.
"Didn't feel like cooking tonight," I say looking the bags that are getting unloaded into the table.
"Nope, not one bit," Mom says.
"I'll just get Farkle," I say but mom stops me.
"I meant to ask you about him, is he a good boyfriend?" She asks with concern.
"Yes, very different to Lucas," I say knowing that her concern sprouted from my previous relationships. "I'm truly deeply madly in love with this one."
I skip off to my room and drag Farkle to dinner.
We talk over dinner. Dad and auggie are out buying presents so it is just us three.

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