Chapter 36 - Teasing

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"Yes, ma'am. Just as a part-time job." She explained. "What can I get you?" She repeated, hoping that she would just say her order and leave. She didn't know why but she found Claris' presence irksome and irritable. She knew she had no right to feel jealous since her relationship with Mason wasn't real, but she still couldn't stop herself from getting annoyed every time she saw Mason's stunning and gorgeous ex-girlfriend. Kelsey couldn't help but feel insecure about herself, from her looks all the way to her status in life. She was no matched in comparison to her.

Claris shot her a smile and she couldn't seem to figure out whether it was sincere or fake. "I would like some pumpkin spice latte, no whipped cream." She confidently answered as Kelsey punched in her order.

"Would that be all, ma'am?" She politely asked her.

Claris stared at her with a smirk on her face. Kelsey patiently waited for her response with a raised brow. She was getting under her nerves but she couldn't let herself lose control or she was going to get fired on her first day.

"Who are you, Kelsey Parker?" Claris asked with curiosity in her tone as she crossed her arms across her chest and studied the woman in front of her with scrutinizing eyes.

Kelsey forced another smile her way and ignored her question. "That would be $6.55." She informed her.

Claris chuckled at the feistiness of the woman her ex-boyfriend was currently engaged with. She fished out a twenty dollar bill from her purse and handed it to her. "Keep the change." She said as she rudely left and sat on the corner table.

Kelsey sent daggers towards her direction. Now she knew exactly why Ella didn't like her. Claris was surely a two-faced witch. She certainly got under Kelsey's skin and it annoyed her that such woman could make her feel so mad yet insecure at the same time.

She quickly made her drink and she was so tempted to spit on it. But Kelsey held herself back, she wouldn't stoop so low. She wondered why Claris was acting so friendly and nice on the night of the premier. Was it only for show? Was it because Mr. and Mrs. King were there? Kelsey groaned and shrugged the topic out of her mind. She placed the cup on a tray and delivered it to the frustrating woman.

"Here's your coffee, ma'am." Kelsey announced as she placed the cup of coffee in front of her. "And here's your change." She added and left the change on the table as well. She took the tray with her and was about to go back to the register when Claris spoke.

"It's my tip. I'm sure you need it more than I do." Claris stated as Kelsey's hand balled into a fist. She placed an innocent smile on her face before turning around to face the she-devil who was madly smirking at her.

"Thank you for your kindness, ma'am. But I don't need your donation." She proudly said as the smirk faded off Claris' lips. Kelsey twirled around again before she could say something that would get her fired.

"Is that why you're clingy onto Mason." Claris asked in challenged. She wasn't just about to lose a fight and she was determined to get back what was once hers. She couldn't lose to such a petty woman who looked like a gold-digger leech. "I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, he is the CEO of one of the biggest company in the world. He makes billions of dollar in a year and -"

Kelsey noticed that the customers that were there were eying them in interest and eavesdropping in their conversation. They were whispering among each other as they stared at the two ladies. Kelsey then decided to cut her off before she get fired. "I'm sorry, ma'am. But please do not make a scene here." She politely told her off.

Claris crossed her arms and smirked. "Why? Are you ashamed? Are you afraid that everyone in here will find out who you really are?" She asked as her voice started to rise to catch the attention of all the customers.

Kelsey couldn't speak, she couldn't breathe. Her knees were starting to buckle and weakened as she watched the customers flipped through their phones, possibly searching them up. She was for sure that they recognized Claris though. She just wished they wouldn't recognize her or she was totally going to get a beating from Mason.

"Is there a problem here?" Her manager, Nick, asked as he stared at the scene before him. Kelsey couldn't speak and explain herself though. She was just embarrassed and afraid of what Claris' would do.

Claris innocently smiled at him and took a sip of her latte. "Not really." She answered. "I was just telling your waitress that the coffee was a bit blunt. That's all." She said as she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. She took her purse on the chair and left the café with her head held high, leaving the barely touched coffee and change on the table.
A/N: And so her true colours came out... What do you think of Claris?... What about the walk-in-closet scene? ;)

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