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"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" Maria shouted, bounding into Rowen's bedroom and knocking lightly on her best friend's forehead. Rowen, laughing and groaning, sat up and rubbed her eyes.

After returning to Thanría, Rowen and her mother had been gifted a large house near the castle in thanks for her assistance in the war. She was still coming to terms with the fact that she was viewed by the public as a war hero. Jason lived in the castle, because he was still recieving visions and it was deemed that he should be close to the kingdom's power in case said visions were negative. Ayren resided in the house next to them, but he had decided that he would move into an academy that was being constructed for young humans. Polly and Rowen were working on a plan to rescue children in bad homes from Earth and raise them to function in their dimension.

"Jason and Ayren are eating breakfast in the kitchen," Maria informed Rowen as she threw on a white tuunic and green leggings - her apprenticeship uniform. "Your mom has gone shopping and Polly is meditating. I think she wants you. In between every 'om,' she either says 'IneedRowen' or 'Getmyapprentice.' So."

Rowen laughed. "Thanks," she said. "You can go back to breakfast. I'll be there in a second." Maria nodded and left the room.

Rowen walked over to her window and threw it open.

The rich smells and curtain of noise washed over her. Færies darted through the air. Colorful shops stretched sky-high. Flighters carrying various humanoids and not-so-humanoids flitted from building to building.

The Two-Week War was a month in the past. Rowen was apprenticed to Polly. Her little patchwork family was perfectly happy. All was right with the world.

Rowen leaned against her windowsill and laughed exhuberantly.

This was where she belonged.

This was home.

The Forsaken ProphecyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang