Chapter Twenty One

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Rowen slowly stopped crying and looked up at him. "Thanks," she whispered.

"For what?"

"For finally telling the truth."

Ayren laughed slightly.

"I should be furious with you," Rowen continued. "I shouldn't trust you or want to be anywhere near you. But...I can tell that you're telling the truth. And what you went through, with were brainwashed and tortured. I don't need to hurt you anymore."

"You're awesome," Ayren concluded. Rowen noted that she was glad his voice had pretty much stayed the same--deep and serious, but more emotional than it had previously been.


Ayren wanted to kiss her. He wanted to be with Rowen so badly, it hurt. But after all he had done to her, to Jason, to Princess Maria, to the kingdom...he didn't think it would be wise.

Ayren heard a cannon fire in the distance. He had forgotten how close they were to the battlefield.

Both he and Rowen leapt to their feet. Exchanging a hurried look, they dashed toward Jason and Maria.

Jason was holding a jewel-encrusted cup to Maria's lips. She was taking careful sips.

"What's that?" asked Ayren as Rowen shouted, "Maria!" and ran to her friend's side.

"Magically refilling chalice. Never spills, either," answered Jason in response to Ayren's question. Then, to Rowen, "It hurts her to talk. She can write, though."


Rowen sat down cross-legged next to Maria and asked gently, "Are you feeling a little better?"

Maria teetered her shaky hand in a so-so gesture. She carefully pushed the chalice away and whispered, "Thank you."

"I should have gotten there sooner," Rowen countered.

Maria slowly began making signals with her hand. ASL--both the girls had taken a few classes in it and regularly conversed about "girl stuff" while Jason was with them, oblivious. They had both grown quite good at understanding and stringing together sentences from small words.

You saved my life. What more can I ask for?

Of course, ASL wasn't that specific. But Rowen got the general idea.

"Your father's army is close," Ayren informed her. "Um, your grace."

No need, she signed.

"You don't need to be formal anymore," Rowen translated.

"Oh. Okay. Uh, I'll go...scout stuff out. You--you guys have a lot to talk about.

Shit. How would she explain all of this to Jason and Maria?

Rowen patted Maria's hand and glanced at Jason.

In the shortest and least disturbing way possible (very unlike Ayren's version of things), Rowen told them what Ayren had told her. Her best friends still looked shocked when she finished.

"Do you trust him?" asked Jason finally.

No, Maria immediately signed.

"Yeah," Rowen said, ignoring her. "He's changed."

I just don't like him, Maria informed Rowen. He knew about my situation and did nothing.

Rowen faltered. That was true.

 "Well, I could tell he was really torn between us and Terr," put in Jason. "And in my visions...we finish this thing with him on our side."

Visions? Maria signed.

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