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Now that Christmas and new year is over, Harry and I can focus on both our careers and of course our engagement. Today, we are going back to London to visit our families and share the good news, hoping none of them have seen the video. We are currently, sitting in the plane waiting for take off. It's going to be a long journey but I have him to annoy. Jokes, he will probably end up annoying me or we will both annoy each other. We don't actually really annoy each other, often. We both love spending time together, although at times we do need our own time.

"Lil, look out your window." Harry says and so I do, to see that we have taken off and are now up in the sky. I thought that I would have felt the plane taking off but then again I basically live inside of a plane these days. "You know, when I was younger. I thought that if I looked hard enough into the clouds that I would see a unicorn." I tell Harry.

"Awww that's adorable." He replies as he crinkles his nose up. "I sometimes still do." I admit and laugh quietly and turn away from looking at the window and look at him instead.

"What?" I ask as he continues looking at me with a smile on his face. He just shakes his head and says nothing as he taps his lap for me to go sit with him over there. "Come here?" He asks.

I snuggle into him as I normally do, whenever we are at home - whether it's when we are laying on the sofa or our bed and well now, a plane seat/bed.

"I love you, you know that!?"

"I do." I reply.

"I'm glad you know what to say on our wedding day." He smirks.

I can't help but role my eyes and then laugh a little, Harry is funny without even trying or so he thinks.

"You've got to admit, that was a good one!" He says, probably feeling really proud of himself. I normally tell him that his jokes stink as bad as mine - and well mine are pretty bad. I nod my head and rest my head on his shoulder, "your getting better that's for sure." I tell him.

After a few minutes of silence I move my head up slightly to see him sleeping and I decide to do the same, otherwise it would really be a long journey for me.

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