Going to Madrid

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It has been two days since my graduation and I just can't believe that I am no longer in university and out in the real world, I don't have a job yet but that means I will have more time for my YouTube channel. Talking about my channel I should probably vlog today as its a very interesting and exciting day for both me and Harry, I pick you my vlogging camera from my bed and switch it on.

"Morning everyone it's around ten in the morning and I wanted to film my day as me and Harry are going to Madrid, this was my graduation present from him and I can't wait to take you guys along with us, I've just finished packing my last minute things and just waiting for Harry to arrive so we can go to the airport." I move my camera lens off of my face and show the camera my packed suitcase which is in the hallway by the front door and then back at me. I then switch off the camera and place it inside my jacket pocket and head over to the door, as soon as Harry texted me that he was outside. I pick up my bags and leave the house, locking up behind me. My brother is at school and my mum is at work so there is no one here to wave me off, I see Harry standing outside the car waving at me as I get closer.

Arriving to Madrid...

"It's so hot here." I say as Harry and I make our way out of the car and we make our way inside our hotel. "It's Spain not England." He says while he smirks and helps me carry some of my luggage, I am quite surprised that we haven't been caught by any fans yet, got to say it is quite nice just being the two of us. "Hello how can I help you?" The lady behind the front desk asks looking up at Harry, "Hello we have a room booked under, Mr Styles." He replies and the lady looks down at her computer for a couple of minutes and hands Harry two pairs of keys, "yes the penthouse for Mr and Mrs Styles." She says and I snort a little, a bit too loud than I intended. "Thank you." Harry says and we can into the elevator and head up to our room.

"The penthouse huh?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders, "yeah!" He says and starts jumping around like a little kid, and I can't help but to join him and laugh. I hope no one is waiting for the elevator because it is probably making some strange noises as if we are having sex or something, but we are actually just being a pair of children. "You know I am proud of you, Lily." He says as he opens the door to our penthouse, all I can see is the living room surrounded by Windows, which we can look out to the beach.

"why?" I ask him.
"You have graduated from university." He says.
"Thank you but it was just dancing." I say.
"Don't belittle yourself, you have a degree and you are an amazing dancer."

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