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Stop- poking-me!

“Get out of bed then!”


“I'm bored!” I whined. 

“I'm hungover!”

“I don't caaaaaare!” I pouted. “Come on, Lou! You promised me, last night you said,'Cassie I promise you tomorrow I'll take you to the carnival' – you even crossed your heart and hoped to die, so you know what'll happen if you break that promise,” I raised an eyebrow.

“I'm not going to die because I broke a promise, Miss. Payne-in-my-ass,” Louis scoffed, pulling his bed covers over his head.

“You sure about that, huh?” I leaned forward, poking him hard in the side of the head. “Because I'm pretty handy with hiding stuff. Finding someone to help me dispose of your body shouldn't be too difficult.”

“You can't take any promises I made seriously last night, not after the amount of alcohol I consumed,” Louis' voice was muffled under his duvet. “Just… This afternoon. We'll go this afternoon.”


“Promise!” Louis yawned and I grinned widely as I looked at my watch.

“Pinky swear?”

“Yes, Cassidy, pinky swear!” he groaned.

“Okay, cool…” I nodded, grabbing hold of the bottom of his duvet and pulling it off him. “It's 1.45pm, Tomlinson. It's the afternoon now. Get your backside out of bed.”

“That's not fair!” Louis sat up and I couldn't help but giggle at his hair, which was sticking out in every direction imaginable. “You played me, you bitch!”

“Damn right I did,” I nodded proudly. “Now get your ass out of bed! You have twenty minutes. I'll even make you breakfast… lunch… whatever, before we go. What do you want?”

“I want to sleep.”

“I mean to eat. What do you want to eat?”

“…Can I have a bacon and cheese toastie please?” he asked with a pout, running his fingers through hair. “I'll just jump in the shower really quickly because, well, I smell like cranberries from when you knocked you drink all over me.”

“Sorry,” I smiled sheepishly. “But, one bacon and cheese coming right up! So go, shower,hurry. I want candyfloss!” I called over my shoulder as I left Louis' bedroom ad walked to the kitchen.

We'd stayed out for a good few hours after Harry and Ella had left. Niall had eventually joined us at just after midnight but left shortly after when Zayn decided he was too tired to stay out and Niall didn't want to be a 'fifth wheel'. Danielle had grown bored in the bar and had wanted to go on to a club – any club, she didn't care which one, so we stopped at the first one we saw. Boogie Nights. They played nothing but music from the 70s and 80s and we'd had an amazing time. 

Liam had given up by 2am and he'd found a table to sit at, so Danielle and I left our bags – and, in Danielle's case, shoes as well – with him and had carried on dancing and singing at the top of our lungs. Because of the music the club was playing, the majority of people in there were older than us and it was nice, being out with Louis and Liam and not having anyone stop them or ask them for a picture. It actually turned into a really, really good night out. One of the best I'd had with the boys, the incident with Harry long forgotten and the rest of the night free of drama.

We had, of course, gotten a little worse for wear and eventually staggered out of the club at around half past 4 in the morning – luckily to only one or two paps. God knows how they knew we were there. 

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