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“But it's cute!”

“It's not cute, it's sickening – why can't he wear a shirt for bed?”

“Because he's asleep, Harry. Don't be a dick, alright? They were talking and they fell asleep!”

I groaned inwardly when I heard Polly and Harry hissing at each and I tried to block them out as I huddled underneath the bed covers. What were they even arguing over? It's way too early to be listening to this.

“Is this a regular thing, then? Do they sleep together a lot?”

“No,” Polly tutted. “And your jealousy can be seen from space, Styles. She isn't replacing you, she's just grown extremely close to Zayn lately and-”

“I'm not jealous!” Harry snapped quietly. “I have a girlfriend, I'm not jealous, I- why are you taking a picture of them?”

“Twitter. One Direction fangirls will explode. It will keep me amused,” Polly mumbled. “And please. Your girlfriend is lovely and all, but we all know why you're really with her. You're only doing it – or, well, doing her - because it's easier to walk away than it is to fight for what you really want. And what you really want is lying in that bed with someone else.”

“Can you two please fuck off and go have this discussion somewhere else?” Zayn snapped tiredly and I felt the mattress shift as he sat up. “Why are you even in here when we're sleeping? That's creepy as hell. Go away.”

“I came to see if Cassie was okay after yesterday.”

“Yeah and then he got jealous coz she's in your bed.” Polly scoffed.

She is probably only pretending to be asleep and can hear every word you say,” Zayn hissed at them. “So I suggest you both leave so she's not embarrassed when she actually opens her eyes.”

“But I-”

“Oh for crying out loud!” I huffed, interrupting Harry and kicking the bed covers off me. “I'm afraid you'll have to continue this without me, I have to get ready and go and sign stuff for my new job.” I rolled my eyes at them, climbing out of the bed and pushing past Harry and Polly to go to the bathroom. 

“Manners!” Harry called after me. “I came to see you!”

“Should have called first then – I have to go out!” I called back, closing the door behind me and turning the shower on. I grumbled to myself, annoyed at having been woken up before I was ready and abandoned my pyjamas on the floor, stepping into the shower and pulling the curtain closed after me. 

“We need to talk!”

“…Harry?” I called. “I know you're not in the bathroom when I'm in the fucking shower!”

“You should have locked the door after you, then!” he tutted and I yelped. “Come on, Cass, don't act shy. It's nothing I haven't already seen!”

“That is not the point!” I shrieked. “Give me a towel – NOW!” I demanded. Harry scoffed and threw a towel over the top of the curtain. I grabbed hold of it, wrapping it around myself and pulling the curtain open, giving him my best glare. He smirked.

The little fucker smirked.

I hate him.

“Are you alright?” Harry asked quietly. “After everything with Louis, I mean. Are you upset about it?”

“I'm upset that you're invading my personal space and sitting in the bathroom while I'm trying to shower!” I snapped, pushing his shoulder. “Jesus, Harry. Just because you walk around naked all the time doesn't mean the rest of us do!”

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