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I yawned, pushing my sunglasses further up my nose and leaning against Liam as we waited at baggage claim.

“How are you even still tired?” he chuckled. “Every time I looked over at you, you were sleeping!”

Trying to sleep,” I corrected him. “Harry has bony shoulders.”

“Ah, yes…” Liam's voice dropped to a whisper. “I saw you getting cosy with him… Something you wanna tell me, hmmm?”




“Would you tell me if-”

“Listen up!” Paul called, and everyone's attention snapped to him. “You guys are going to the hotel now, there's a car waiting to take you there. Cassidy, you're staying here with me to help with the luggage.”

“But shouldn't she-”

“No, Harry,” Paul interrupted him, not letting him finish.

“But she's got-”

“Harry. Go.”

“But she's the one with all our checking in information!” Harry sighed irritably, ignoring Paul as their bodyguards, I vaguely remember them being introduced as Brian and Mike, ushered the others away.

“Yeah, and she's tired, Paulie…” Liam pouted. “Come on, let her come back with us. Mike can stay with you and help, Brian can take us out there and Cassidy can get us checked into the hotel… Don't worry, I'll make sure her and Louis don't cause any more trouble!” Liam smiled sweetly at him and I bit back a smirk at how my brother's ability to give someone the puppy dog eyes never failed to work as Paul nodded his head, shooing us away. I smiled gratefully at him, leaning down to pick up my carry-on bag only to have my hand swatted away.

“I've got it,” Harry smiled.

“Thanks, Haz,” I smiled back at him, covering my mouth with my hand as I yawned again. Liam laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulders and kissing the side of my head. “Get off me!” I whined, pushing him away weakly. He grinned, letting go of me as Brian told us to line up.

“Zayn, front. Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam and Cassidy. I'll lead you out, there's police out there too. You know how we do this guys,” he told us. “Keep hold of each other.”

“Are there lots of people?” I asked, nervously chewing on my lip.

“Just keep hold of my hand,” Liam turned to me, a soft smile on his face as he held his hand out to me. I took tight hold of it, my stomach churning as we started to walk out and I saw hundreds of girls waiting outside.

Oh God.

Crowds. I don't like crowds. I don't like all these people screaming and taking my picture and- and pushing me away from my brother.

I yelped as I was pushed to the side, my hand ripping from Liam's as the girls swarmed around them. I saw him freeze, his eyes widening as he turned round and scanned the crowd for me.

“Hold on – BRIAN! Brian Cassie's gone!” he called.

“Keep moving to the car!” Brian called back. “I'll go back for her once you're in the car!”

“What do you mean you'll- no!” Harry pushed past Liam, his eyes scanning the girls. “She's there, I've got it. I'll get her.”

“Harry no!” Brian hollered, but Harry – and Liam – ignored him as they started pushing their way back through the crowd to get to me. I tried to make my way towards them, elbowing girls as I went but I just got dirty looks after dirty looks as they carried on pushing me backwards. I felt a hand wrap round my wrist and pull me forwards, sighing in relief when I realised it was Harry.

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