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“What's with the face, why do you look so pissed off?”

Zayn!” I shrieked, throwing the book I was reading over my shoulder and diving over the sofa to get to him, nearly knowing him backwards as I threw my arms around him. “You're back! You're not due home until tonight, why didn't you tell me you were coming early?!” 

“I wanted to surprise you!” he chuckled, rubbing my back as he hugged me. “So what have I missed while I've been gone? I know all about the Polly and Niall debacle so there's no need to get me up to date with that…”

“Louis and Eleanor broke up too, she found out he kissed someone else and-”

“You?” Zayn interrupted.

“What? No, not me!” I scoffed, hitting his shoulder as he closed the front door and dumped his suitcase down behind the arm chair. “Why did you think it was me?”

“I don't know, it just seems like a very Louis thing to do!”

“Well,” I paused. “It wasn't me, it was one of Ella's friend in Australia – Elesha, I think. But I don't know, I think he likes her? I saw him texting her last night,” I shrugged my shoulders. “How was home? How's the family?”

“They're good,” Zayn nodded and pulled me to sit down on the sofa. “You should come with me next time, though. It's weird that you've never really met my family before when you’re one of my best friends.”

“Maybe. I got the feeling your dad wasn't too fond of me, though… I don’t know. Anyway, how're things with Cheyanne, have you still been talking to her, or…?”

“We're still talking,” he smiled sheepishly. “She's going to come visit in a couple of weeks and I hate to ask… But do you think you could maybe make yourself scarce…?”

“No problem!” I grinned. “Polly and Vada found a house to rent and they're moving next week so I could stay with them. I think it's time I found some place of my own, anyway. I don't want you cramping my style if I bring a guy back – imagine me bringing a guy back here and him finding out my roommate is Zayn Malik. He'd run a mile!”

“Oh and he wouldn't run a mile when he finds out you're still best friends with two of your ex-boyfriends?” Zayn asked with a smirk.

“Harry wasn't my boyfriend,” I raised an eyebrow. “But seriously, Z, what did you do back home? Did you have fun?”

“I did, I had a lot of fun,” he grinned. “It was nice catching up with everyone and spending some time with my mum. And, well, I bumped into Perrie, actually.”

Shut up,” I stared at him, my eyes wide. “What was Perrie doing in Bradford?!”

“She still keeps in touch with my friends, obviously,” he shrugged his shoulders. “She was visiting Aaliyah – she's just had a baby, you know? A little boy. She's called him Daniel, he's my godson,” he smiled proudly. “I have pictures but my phone dies so I'll show you when I've charged it up. So what have you been up to, Ms. Payne?”

“Nothing really… I went home for a few days but came back when Niall called me about Polly… We had a girly day yesterday, and Louis came too because he's a dick and Eleanor dumped him again, and then we went out and got kind of drunk,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Polly and Sophie are with Vada right now, they're helping her pack. Supposedly.”

“…Nothing happened with Harry, then?”

“Nope,” I shook my head.

“You sure?” Zayn raised an eyebrow.

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