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“Has she said anything?”

“Nope,” I sighed, shaking my head and leaning against the kitchen worktop, my hands wrapped around a steaming cup of green tea. “We – me and Sophie – got back here last night and she just cried a lot. She didn’t say why they split up and Niall won’t answer his phone when I call… She cried herself to sleep, we just left her on the sofa because we didn’t want to wake her up.”

“Poor Polly…” Vada whispered. I nodded, sipping at my tea and watching as Vada poured milk over her cereal – Apple Jacks, she’d brought about six boxes back from America. I’d called her as soon as I’d woken up to let her know what had happened and she’d rushed round, determined to rally us all together to cheer Polly up. “So what are we gonna do today then?”

“Well…” I paused. “Once Sophie’s out of the shower and dressed and stuff, I think we should wake Polly up, maybe try and get her to talk to us. Or maybe just feed her ice cream and stick a horror film on, preferably were a blonde boy gets maimed and slaughtered.”

“…Jeepers Creepers 2?”

“I was thinking more Friday the 13th, the remake,” I chuckled, finished my tea and putting the mug in the sink. “So if we’re going to force feed her junk food, I need to go and actually buy some… Toffee?”

“Toffee vanilla fudge,” Vada nodded. “For me, anyway. Polly like strawberry and Sophie likes chocolate…”

“I’ll just get a few different tubs, then. And popcorn. I’ll basically just get as much as I can carry! Just… wake her up, okay? I don’t want her sleeping all day, it won’t do her any good.”

“I’ll wake her up when you leave and Sophie’s ready,” Vada nodded, her mouth full of cereal and I rolled my eyes at her, grabbing my purse from the side and leaving the apartment, letting out a shriek when I opened the front  door and came face to face to Harry and Ella. 

“You scared the crap out of me!” I hissed. “What are you doing here?”

“Nate called, Vada told him about Polly and Niall,” Ella pouted. “I thought I could come and help you guys cheer her up?”

“Uhm, yeah, sure…” I paused, glancing at Harry and holding the door open for Ella. “Polly’s still sleeping and Sophie is just in the shower, but Vada’s stuffing her face in the kitchen if you wanna go through. I’m just heading to the shop to stock up on junk food and stuff, I think we’re gonna have a girly day… No boys allowed, so Harry you’ll have to go.”

“Oh he’s not here to join us,” Ella giggled, reaching a hand up and pinching Harry’s cheek. “I’ll see you later? You can help Cassie carry her things back from the shop!”

“I really don’t need any-”

“Okay, see you later,” Harry interrupted me, kissing Ella’s cheek and watching me as Ella skipped inside the apartment. I sighed, pulling the door closed after her and ignoring Harry as I walked away towards the lift at the stairs. There was no way I could be stuck in a lift with him.

He groaned behind me and I heard his footsteps quicken as he followed me, but I carried on walking as fast I could down the stairs. I just wanted to focus on Polly and make sure she was okay; I’d deal with Harry another time.

“Cassie, come on, I just wanna talk, to expl-”

“You don't need to explain anything,” I interrupted as I carried on walking. “I don’t want to talk to you right now, Harry. I'm not particularly interested in hearing your excuses or anymore lies from you. I don't have the energy right now so if you'll excuse me, I need to get to the shop,” I raised an eyebrow at him as he cut in front of me and he paused, opening his mouth to speak but sighing instead and stepping aside. “Thank you.”

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