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See I've been waiting all day

For you to call me baby

So let's get up, let's get on it

Don't you leave me broken hearted tonight…

I groaned, reaching out to the bedside table and grabbing hold of the phone. With one eye open, I squinted at it and tried to turn the alarm off before I realised that someone was calling me.

“Hello?” I answered groggily, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

Hello? I've been hammering on your door for nearly half an hour and all I get is hello?” Zayn barked. “Where are you Cassidy?!”

“Sleeping, you haven't been knocking on my door,” I mumbled, my eyes closing as I sunk back into the mattress. “You have the wrong room, I'm in 420.”

“I'm stood outside 420 and- wait, what? Hold on…” Zayn paused. I heard shuffling and Louis muttering on the other end, followed by a loud sigh that came from Zayn. “Cassidy. Are you with Harry? He's late, too.”

“Am I- no I'm not with- wait, what?” I sat up, looking around before realising I wasn't in my own room and I sighed when last night came back to me. “Yeah, I'm with Harry,” I muttered. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S LATE TOO? What time is it?!”

“It's half past eleven…” Zayn paused. “It's okay, Louis's told Paul you're not well and Harry's taking care of you… Is he taking care of you, if you know what I mean?”

“Zayn,” I grumbled, not needing to see him to know he was smirking. I pushed the covers off me and got out of bed, pushing Harry with my free arm.

“Go 'way Mum, five more minutes…”

“Did he just call you Mum?!”

“Goodbye, Zayn!” I tutted, hanging the phone up and pulling my slippers on. “Harry, wake up, we're late!” I pushed his shoulder. He swatted me away, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow. “Harry Styles! Wake up, we need to get moving – we're half an hour late already! Oh God, Paul's going to kill me…”



“I'm tired!”

“I. Don't. Care!” I grunted, pulling the covers off him and hitting him with a pillow. “Get up –now! Or there's going to be a lovely half naked picture of you floating round on twitter and tumblr in five minutes!”

“My head huuuurts!” he moaned, his voice muffled by the pillow. I sighed, leaning across the bed and poking his cheek.

“Do you want painkillers?” I asked. He looked up at me, a pout on his face as he nodded. “Okay. Get up, get showered and I'll come back with painkillers an coffee, alright?” I raised an eyebrow. Harry grinned, leaning up and kissing my cheek.

“You're the best!”

“I know,” I rolled my eyes, wiping my cheek before leaving his room. I closed the door quietly behind me before turning round to go to my room, and walking right in to someone.

“Have fun did you?”

“Shh!” I hissed, flicking Zayn chest. He pushed my hand away and frowned, following me to my room. “He was kinda drunk last night, that's all. We watched Bugsy Malone and fell asleep.”

“Sure you did,” Zayn smirked, stepping into my room after me and closing the door. I ignored him and started looking through my suitcase, pulling out some aspirin and handing the box to Zayn. “No thanks, I'm fine.”

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