"Agg really fine. See you later love."

"Remember the Hazelnut flavour and one pink doughnut with sprinkles."

"Yeah yeah yeah!"

"Love you!"

"Love you too. Bye."


I hung the phone up.

"Who was that?"

"My sister."

He gave a nod.

"Wow that place looks amazing."

I looked at where he looked and laughed.

"Starbucks huh?"

He started laughing as well.

"I use to love it." He said sounding bit sad.

I smiled at him.

"How bout this. Lets grab some Starbucks and go and look for a present for Cami."

He looked at me and then said.

"I don't have any money..."

"I will pay. Don't stress it."

He gave me a small smile but then started refusing.

"Don't please. Its bad enough you are risking your job for me and now this as well."

"I do this because i care-"

He scoffed and i felt like someone just slapped me in the face.

"You care, you care, you care. It is like you have a unlimited care system, which is utter bullshit. You pretend you care but until you realise you don't have to and then boom just like that you would be gone."

"You know, I don't have to do this. I could've just left you at the asylum all alone in your dark little hole with no visitors what so goddamn ever. If I am correct, I saved you from Kida's punishments, fully convinced your sister to be part of your life again, Left my sister alone on Christmas Eve to make YOU happy to give you a normal day for once in your life after you have had none for So long. So don't tell me, what the bloody hell I feel. For all I care you can go and rot in goddamn hell - I could have lived a normal life. But no I chose to be assigned to you because I was the only one with the balls to stand up for you - you think I was just your psychiatrist by accident - I goddamn chose to look after you. So stop with I care - uuhhgg this. Uhhhggg that, uuuhgg whatever. So if I hear one more bloody thing that is  ungrateful from your damn mouth. I will take you back and not look back. Yes I care about you and yes I want you to get better but that does not make me a damn sanctuary for your shit. And another thing you can be grateful that I'm looking into Fiona's case, seeing that there is no death certificate... so shut the hell up and be grateful you fool."

Next thing I know I was pinned down on the throat. His eyes became something in human. And all the rumours and talk about in our town about him was all put to shame. I can honestly say, he did not kill anyone. He has Demons in his head. His pitch black eyes was staring dead straight through me.

"Don't do this." I croaked.

He started to growl but not any kind of dog, wolf, lion growl. It was something more terrifying.

"I know you are in there." I whispered.

His growls got more louder.

"Fight them and come back to me."

Something inside if him must've changed. I don't know if I could say he was fighting with himself but the look in his eyes that was flashing from normal - back to this horrible demon self was definitely there.

The struggle between him and his demon went on for what felt like mins even though it was probably only a few seconds.

Then it stopped and i could finally breath.

Things took a turn for the unexpected.

He crumbled into a ball and broke into sobs. Which was quite strange seeing i only saw him cry once.

To say I was full of fear would've been a lie. I do not know if it is because I was drawn to him in a dark twisty way but if there was one thing I was certain of -he was not crazy.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am so sorry." He whispered over and over and over again.

I reached out to touch his arm but he pulled back so fast that he nearly hit the window.

"Don't touch me."

Me being the stubborn person that I am, wanting to fix everything that I could...I tried once again to reach out and I got an unexpected slap against my hand.

"Please just take me back."

That was something i would not do.

"No." I whispered.

"Please, i do not want to hurt you."

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