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This piece of work is all written by me.

I do not own Yuri Plisetsky nor Yuri on ice, but I do own the story. I hope you enjoy this, leave any ideas for me in the comment, send me some fan-fiction character you want me to write about, one shot,two shot or long shot.


Y/n) your name

(e/c) Eye colour

(Y/c) your country

(r/s) Romantic song

(f/c) favourite colour

(f/s) favourite smell

Chapter 1

Yuri danced on the ice freely as if a bird flying in the sky. (Y/n) plop herself on her elbow on the rink and gazed at Yuri's flawless figure skating. Yuri skated like the music was part of him,and he was part of the music. As he do a quad loop his hair flip with grace and beauty.You started to day dream, your (e/c) eyes fixed on the skater.Beautiful, his figure skating was simply beautiful, you have no words to discribe it. Then a loud voice boom,it made you snap out of your peaceful day dream. " (Y/n) get back to practice, don't you have to perfect your triple axel?" Coach Yakov demanded.

"Y-yes" You stutter,and  regain your composer, how embarrassing getting caught gazing at the famous Russian fairy, you went to the bench and put on your skates. Looking up at yuri doing a toe loop, ' He is so amazing isn't he' you thought, ' The Russian fairy nickname fits him so well, especially on ice, The way he skate is just so graceful'.

"(Y/n)" Yakov said.

"Yes, coming"Your cheeks flush red.

You enter the rink and skate off . You skate around the rink warming up, sneaking glances at Yuri 'Stop, you might end up getting caught looking at him again' you shake your head violently your cheeks blazing hot even though the room was cold. You take a deep breath and then relax your shoulder doing a toe loop as a starter.

You were a  (y/c) figure skater, but your coach was Russian,coach Yavok . You were always intrigue about figure skating,when you were little you watched people figure skating on tv and it looked as if they were flying.It inspire you to started figure skate. You swing your arms to a triple lutz. You were deep in thought and you let it flow through you onto the ice.

"That enough, (Y/n)"Yakov voice scared you making you over rotate your flip. "You are not concentrating enough today (Y/n), stop being an airhead."

"Yes" If it weren't coach Yakov you would have threw a fit and endless smartass words their way till they were on their knees crying for forgiveness, but no it was coach Yakov, one of the scariest coach you ever had, he was tough,strict and scary with his fearsome face, but if you were to compare Lilia with Yakov, Yakov suddenly looks like an angel from above,minus his scary face.

Lilia nod her head at Yakov. "Yuri , (Y/n) ,come here" He called you two over.

"You two will enter the Faire la paire  at France, Paris, a pair competition together"

"Huh?!"Yuri sound surprise.Pair skating? But we never did that. Faire la paire? ' I think I heard of it from somewhere before'.

"Pair?! Why?! I never did does things anyway!" Yuri frown while drinking from his water bottle.You stared at Yuri catching him looking at you from the end of his turquoise eyes, he looked away immediately.

" That's why you're going learn it!" Yakov raise his voice at the smartass Russian punk.Yakov huff in annoyance.

" I already choreography your dancing routine to the song (r/s)"Lilia spoke determinately and strong. "This is a romantic song about two lovers who secretly in love each other, but too shy to show it. The story is mainly them flirting with one another, at the end they end up together."

"Blehhh" Yuri stuck his tongue out " What a sappy story, that's not me at all,hmp"

Lilia look directly at him, "So?Even Victor can do various style and taste of music,why can't you do this "sappy" music of yours".Yuri puff his cheek madly.

Ignoring Yuri attitude Lilia continue, "At the end of the song when the lovers are together, you two will end it with a kiss".

"Ehhh" It was now your time to be surprise.

"Why" Yuri flushed red, butting in,looking anywhere but you.You two were pretty close, you could even say friend, if it weren't for the fact that you had a crush on Yuri.

" If you want to win the competition" Lilia started-

"Okay!" Yuri cuted her, "If that's ok with you" Yuri voice soften down,facing you but averting his eyes to the side.

"Y-ye-yeah" cursing yourself for stuttering , "That's fine" you tried playing it off cool.

" The competition is in 2 month, (Y/n) and Yuri will be moving in with me so we could practice" Lilia spoke, "That include you Yakov" Yakov gave a surprise sound. " But that doesn't mean we are getting back together" Lilia spoke sternly making Yakov embarrass.

"O-Of Course not" Yakov crossed his arms over his chest.

Yuri Plisetsky x reader  flirting on iceWhere stories live. Discover now