I walk to lunch with Michael and Luke pops around the corner. "Carpenter, can I- oh, uh." He stops and Michael sticks his hands in his pockets and looks down.

"Hey." Michael says softly and Luke looks startled.

"Hi. Hello." Luke says and a massive smile. Michael just nods and walks past us both. Luke looks at me and his eyes are big and he breaths deeply.

"What did you need?" I ask him and he just smiles.

"Nothing, nothing at all." He says and walks on. He smiles to himself and puts his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Three more." I say to myself and walk down the hall.

I decided that I want them to be friends again. Pull them all out from where they have been hiding and connect them again.
Because if Calum didn't do it, who did?
At lunch, Michael actually sits with me today, no Jill or Andrew. He throws a pea at my forehead and I frown at him as it sticks for a while and then drops. "Ew." I say and wipe off my forehead with a napkin.

"These are dangerous." He says and throws one at the wall and it splatters and sticks.

"I'm are half frozen still." I say. "So, you said hello to Luke. That's... Polite."

"I'm not rude." He says. "And, so what?"

"Nothing, it was an observation." I say. "You coming over after school?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Is it going to be just us?"

"Yeah, for a while." I say.

"Then yes, I miss your uncle and cousin too much to stay away." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Oh yeah, not me." I say and he smiles, shrugging.

As the day goes on and it comes to last hour, I step into the library and all the lights are off. I quickly switch them on and walk to the back and set my bag on the table. A hand is placed over my eyes and another makes it's way under my shirt to my bare stomach, its favorite place to be. "Guess who?"

"Hayley Williams?" I ask in a hopeful done and Calum laughs from behind me.

"You wish." He says.

"If you must know, I really do." I say and then around. "Hiding in the dark, the guess who thing? What's got you acting all cliché?"

"You." He says and kisses me softly. He lifts me slightly and pushes me on the table. Both hands make there way up my shirt and he cups my boobs.

"Notice how everytime, we are up here, it ends up in a make out session and someone getting groped." I say and give a small gasp as he squeezes slightly and bites down on my bottom lip.

"Are you complaining, baby girl? But, for you information, I've never been groped once in a library." He asks and I feel myself flush at the name.

"No?" I say and he kisses me roughly.

"I like how you wore a skirt today, it suits you well." He says and he moves his hands down to the edge and slides them under, gripping the insides of my thighs.

"Well, I'm glad it pleases you." At the moment, my insides were churning and I couldn't care less about virtue. I let my fingers tangle in his hair and I tug tightly.

Moving his hands, he goes to lift my shirt over my head and I allow him. He tosses it back on the table behind me and he stares at me and I begin to feel self-conscious. I cross my arms and my hair falls to cover the rest.

He frowns deeply and move sit aside and pushes my arms down. "What the hell, don't hide from me. You're so beautiful, baby." He says and leans down and gently kisses his way from the top of my breasts to the nape of my neck. I let my legs wrap around his waist and I hear someone clear their throat behind us. Calum stands in front of me and I let my forehead fall on his shoulder so I can hide my face from the embarrassment and the person standing there.

"I told you, Molly." I look up and see Michael standing there with a notebook and angry eyes. "I told you." He goes to walk away, but I grab my shirt and put it on. I move around Calum and go after him, but he grabs my arm.

"Stay." He says and I frown, pulling away.

"No. I'm going after him." I say.

"Let him go, who cares?" He says and I scoff, not wanting to deal with that.

"I care, Calum, he is my best friend." I say and run after Michael.

"Mikey." I say and grab the back of his shirt.

"You're just like everyone else! Just like she did!" He says and he doesn't look me in the eye.

"You can't get mad at me, you said you wouldn't." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"I lied. I can and I did. He can't possibly like you. He just can't, Molly, you aren't his type. You aren't anyone's type, you're as plain as it gets. And I know his type, it's never been you or ever going to you. People like him don't like people like us!" He says angrily.

"How do you know this?" I ask him.

"Because you're you! You're such a prude and too cynical and self-conscious to have anyone like him like you." He says, his eyes showing not an ounce of guilt or lying. He's serious.

"How stupid of me to think I was actually likeable. I'm such an idiot." I say and he walks away.

"Don't talk to me for a while, because he is gonna get what he wants, and leave and I don't want to be here when he hurts you." He says calmly. I just stand there for a moment and try to process what he said.

Did he tell me I wasn't good enough for Calum? Or anyone?

I go back up the library and Calum is fuming as he sits at the table, his arms crossed and his eyes dark. I'd rather none of this happen. I don't say anything, and I don't feel anything but pure fury and hurt as I get my bag.

"Molly, what the hell?" He says. "We both knew he was just going to yell at you. That's seems to be all he does, yells you, gets mad at you." He says.

"No." I say and shake my head. "No, he is my friend, and he is looking out for me. He doesn't mean any of it." I only believe half of what I say. He is my friend, and he does care for me, but he really doesn't like Calum, so that trumps everything, his hatred.

"He couldn't possibly be a real friend, he is so mean to you." Calum says and walks over to me. He puts his hands gently on my forearms and I move back.

There has to be some truth to what he says. He knew Calum inside and out. So, what if he is right about him?

"Do you actually like me? Could you possibly like someone like me?" I ask him, saying what Michael had said to me less than five minutes ago. It stung and it broke my heart that my best friend could have to guts to say that out loud. To my face. With a straight face and not regret any of it.

There is a long period of silence before he answers. "Of course I do. What kind of stupid question is that?" His voice is slightly higher and he nearly stutters. I just close my eyes and sigh, not knowing what to make of it all.

I walk out of the library and walk to the French room. I have the whole hour left and I don't want to be anywhere where they can get to me. I open the door and the teacher looks at me.

"Mrs. Carpenter." He frowns at me and I smile.

"Uh, he isn't here. So I'm gonna sit." I say softly and sit in the back. I put my head down and let the fact that I'm an idiot wander through my head.

Can I possibly be as stupid and gullible as every seems to think?

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