"No!" I yell and shrink down. His hands fly to my sides and I try to hold in the laughter. "I'm not ticklish." I say and small giggles escape my lips.

"Oh, that is total bullshit." He laughs and I try to pull his hands away, but fail. "You gonna stop cheating?" He asks and me I nod. "Sure?"

"You can't even cheat!" I say and laugh. "It's near impossible." He looks down at me scoffs.

"It is not, I do it all the time. But some how, you keep winning!" He says and goes back to tickling me and I squeal again. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He slaps my butt and then tosses me on my bed.

I gasp and look up at him as I neat land in the floor. "Do that again, and I'll have to cut you." I say in a half serious tone, also trying to keep the smile off my lips. He is panting softly and his hair is messed up, his own mouth corved into a grin.

"Really... " He says and smirks.

"No. No, Cal, I swear to God. Calum!" I yell as he dives at me and I fight him as he rolls me over. I scream as his hand comes in contacts with my behind sharply. "Calum!" I say and he holds me in place in his lap. His arms pushing down on my lower back and jagged laughs escaping his fine lips. My phone rings from the nightstand and he hands it to me. I scowl at him and answer.


"Does yeh w-w-wanta get me?" I hear Michael hiccup from the other end and I sigh. He giggles at something and I hear crashing.

"Are you drunk?" I ask him and he giggles.

"Righto!" He says. "How 'bout it, Milly Molly? Maybe we should buy a McDonald, I'm so hungry my stomach feels hunger." He laughs again and u ehar voices in the background. I wiggle out of Calum's grasp and sit back on my knees.

"What about Jill? Andrew?"

"Jill is not around, and Andrew went away with like...one...two...three! Three girls!" He said the numbers really slow, as if he were counting on his fingers.

"Yeah, I'll come get you." I mumble.

"Oh, you should bring me to your home, my mama will hurt me and that is not fun. She said no, but I said fuck you and went anyway." He mumbles.

"You're going to your home." I say and I hear the beep from the other end, meaning he hung up. Or he lost service. "I have to go get Michael." I say to Calum.

"Well," he demurs softly, "I don't think you absolutely have to." He says. "I'm not ready to go home yet."

"There is always another time." I say and stand. "And you don't have to go home, but it's late and it's gonna take me a while. You can come back tomorrow."

"Do you promise?" He says and stands up quickly beside me. I nod and we both walk toward the other door. It's late, my uncle doesn't know that Calum is here, and he won't exactly be thrilled about me leaving to get a drunk Michael, so I'll have to do it quietly.

Calum goes up first and opens the door, but before he runs off, he turns swiftly and gives me a swift and sweet kiss. His fore finger tilts my chin up slightly and then he is gone, running quickly down the street and I am left feeling lightheaded and high.
As I pull up to the house, I feel myself grow sick at the sight of everything. I hate these people. I thought he did, too, but I guess I was wrong.

I walk up and I see him sitting on a porch swing in the middle of the yard. I push past people to get to him and when I do. His eyes are glassy and he reeks of pot. Maybe I was wrong about that, too. "Mikey." I say and he smiles brightly as he sees me.

"Molly!" He say and stands, he tightly hugs me and I force him back.

"Drunk and high?" I ask him in disbelief. "Who have you turned into?"

"What?" He asks in a childish, upset voice. "It's a party Molly, I didn't come to play Pokémon." He jokes groggily and I find myself wishing that's why he had came. The way he used to be.

But that's not my business.

"Come on." I say and go to pull him but he stops me.

"I dunno I wanna leave now. Changed my mind. Why don't you say with me?" He asks and pulls me unusually close to him. His fingertips trial under the hem of my shirt. "Whatta ya say, Milly Molly?" He asks lowly and I pull away from him.

"Either you leave with me, or I leave without you." I say and cross my arms.

"Stay." He says and again and reaches for me, pulling me roughly toward him by my hips, slamming his painfully into mine.

"Michael, let me go." I say and try make him let go. He just holds into me tighter than before. "Michael Gordon, let go of me right now."

"Babe, just relax a little." He groans. He brings his thumb up and drags it across my bottom lip and I flinch away from him when he moves in. He groans and pushes me back, I stumble and nearly fall, people look over at us and I feel my face heat up. "Why are you always so difficult?!" He yells at me and I just shake my head, turning and walking back to the car. "Wait, Molly, wait. Sorry sorry, I didn't mean that." He calls after me. I get in, start the car and drive away before he gets there.

Going down the road, my phone rings the whole time and the whole time going inside my house. I turn it off and throw myself down in my bed, trying to make sense of this complicated mess.

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