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"After her!" The Qishan guards said as they ran after me through the depths of the city.

Arrows and spears shot my way but I simply dodged it. I ran around the corner and had hit a dead end, ah damn it! I turned around and saw the guards smirking at me.

"Nowhere to run little girl. Give up or face the wrath of the kingdom of Qishan!" They drew their swords and bows at me.

I grabbed the hilt of my sword and began to draw it from its leather cage but a shout was heard from behind the guards. "Stop right there!" I looked at the guards to see a boy with golden rich hair, and his eyes shimmered the same fair gold.

Then there was the girl, her pink her was like it was enriched in beautiful burning flames, same as her eyes.

But a certain boy caught my attention, yes. The boy had hair as blue as the ocean, and it fluttered in the air like a wave and his eyes were the same too, but they were filled with anger and hurt. "Ugo!" I gasped as the boy blew out of his beautiful golden flute, making a giant of blue appear.

"Ugo!" He shouted as the boy blew out of his beautiful golden flute, making a giant of blue appear.



The giant grabbed the soldiers and threw them to where the only god knows. I looked up at amazement, wow, an actual Djinn. I smiled and bowed towards the Djinn, Ugo.

"Thank you, Ugo I owe you my gratitude." Ugo's body was flushed of a deep crimson color, catching the 3 people's attention. "Wait you're a girl?" My eyes widen as I stood in the position I was in. "Wait I-" I sucked in my breath as my cape was ripped off my body.

The Djinn vanished into thin air, leaving pink clouds behind. The boy with blue hair flushed pink as he bounced towards me with a funny look on his face and stuffed his face in my breast rubbing them around. The boy with golden hair fell to the ground with a sweat drop on his forehead.

I blushed and giggled. "Wow look Alibaba! Look at these huge melons! I think they are D's!" The boy named Alibaba blushed in crimson red as he pulled the blue haired boy by the ends of his braid.

"ALADDIN! I am so sorry about him miss!"

I smiled.

"Oh it's alright umm, sir Alibaba..."

I prefixed my bandages that covered my breast.

"Oh I almost forgot miss I'm Aladdin and these are my friends Alibaba and Morgiana! Who are you might I ask miss with the big boobs?"

Morgiana and Alibaba smacked him playfully on the head, not too hard, not too soft. I nodded.

"Oh forgive me for my rudeness. My name is Percival, Percival Scarlet, please forgive the name."

(Per-ci-val) Morgiana tilted her head to the side.

"What? Isn't that a boy name and not a girl name?" Alibaba exploded, literally.

"MORGIANA! That was a bit harsh!" The girl jumped and bowed repeatedly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm so-" I touched her shoulders with a soft touch. "Oh it's quite alright I get that alot.." I blushed faintly, letting my purple hair fall on my face. I pushed it back and smiled.

"Thank you for saving me I owe you and I am forever in your debt."

I bowed with my heart on my chest. A hand grazed my hair and petted it. I looked up and saw Aladdin smiling down at me. "Then come with us.....Percival!"

"Percival! Let's go on an adventure!"

I looked up at Aladdin with watery wide eyes.

"R-Really you want me?"

Aladdin smiled.

"Of course, after all, it seems like you have a Metal Vessel!" I tilted my head to the side. "What do you mean a Metal Vessel? I have 7."

They stared at me in amazement. "Wow! Miss Percival is gonna stay with us and she got 7 Djinn's!" Aladdin once again stuffed his face in my breast again.

I chuckled and smiled. "Aladdin can you stop please, it's a bit embarr-OW!" Alibaba pulled Aladdin by the hair.

"Enough Mr.LadyKill anyway let's get started! A new adventure awaits for us!"


My eyes sparkled at the beautiful ocean. "Look at this Morgiana!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the side of the boat to show her the waves. "Isn't beautiful?" I jumped on the edge of the boat and held out my hands, smelling the fresh scent of salt in the ocean. I smiled widely. "Well come on Morgiana!" I changed into my water clothing.

I let my enchanting purple hair fall out of its ponytail, allowing it sweep on the ground. I looked at Morgiana but she looked at me in awe. "What? Is it my hair?" Morgiana touched my hair.

"No.It's not. That but your hair is so long, so pretty!" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's really nothing actual but I do wanna take a dip!" I jumped off the boat and in the water, getting greetings by the small little fishes in the ocean. I raised my head to the top of the water smiling. My hair rising to the top and making it look like purple liquid flowing throw the river.

"This is so much fun!"

I kicked my feet underwater to keep me from drowning. I put my hand on my mouth and made a dolphin call. I giggled and looked up at Morgiana. "Come on down Morgiana! It will be so much fun!" A dolphin appeared between my legs, a remarkable color of a white dolphin. I petted the dolphin's side. "Please Morgiana! You might not get another chance at this ever please!" The dolphin chirped at her. Morgiana looked away and jumped off the boat landing on a teal dolphin. "Fine...." My smile widens. I pointed forward and the dolphins followed my commands. "Now! Onward to Sindria!"


*THUD* I scratched the back of my head as I had watched Morgiana fall to the ground with a sick green face. I giggled. "I apologize, I didn't realize you don't like the ocean very much..." I patted her head slightly. Oh, that's right! I snapped my fingers and returned to my clothing. I put my hair in a high ponytail. I helped Morgiana up and we both walked over to Alibaba and Aladdin. "So what are we going to do here?" "Well hello, ther-"


"Wow...." Who is that girl? "Oh hello ther-"I stared at the girl and she stared back. "Uhhhhh..." I don't have any words coming out of my mouth and it seems the others don't as well. She looks exactly like me everything except for her eyes. "Stay back Sin. I sense something off about her." The girl quickly followed that saying and rushed her way towards Ja'far. "Wait for Perc-"She pressed herself against Ja'far with an angry face.

"Wait for Perc-"She pressed herself against Ja'far with an angry face.

"You wanna go! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that you could judge me!" Ja'far blushed at this statement and looked away from the girl. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" This girl got some balls to do what is happening. (Me: She doesn't have any you pervert) She grabbed Ja'far by the chin and shoved his face close up to her. "Percival!" She stopped at the call of the name, is that her name? She dropped Ja'far and walked towards the three travelers. "M-My apologize.." Her face reddens as she stood alongside a boy with golden hair. She looked at me and bowed. "I am truly sorry for my actions and I hope you could forgive me, Sir..." I smiled at her and winked.

"Sinbad, my Sinbad! And welcome to my country Sindria!"


My eyes shot open in shock...


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