Chapter Nineteen

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Emma's POV

One date turned to two. Two turned to three. Three turned to over a year of dates, love, and happiness. I had moved in with Killian fairly early in our relationship, seeing as that it just felt comfortable. If it was any other guy, I'd wait much longer. But even though we just started as a couple, I had still known him his whole life. It was easy with him. There were rough patches of course, but all relationships have some, and it's nothing we couldn't fix. I stood in the kitchen of our apartment attempting to make a pie for a party he and I will be attending later at David and Mary Margaret's for the welcome of their new son. And of course, I ran out of cinnamon to put in it. I grabbed my phone much to my dismay of getting some goo on it to phone Killian, asking him to get more since he was out. He answered after the second ring. "Hello love," he said. I could hear the grin behind his voice. "Hey, if it isn't too much to ask can you pick up some cinnamon from the store? I ran out and this pie won't be as good without it," I asked. "As you wish," he replied. "Ugh thank you! You are a lifesaver," I sighed out. "Also, can you please tell me about this date you have planned for tomorrow night? I need to know what I should be wearing here," I begged. "How could I say no to a lovely woman begging me to tell her? Tomorrow night I felt that a road trip down memory lane would be nice. Seeing all of where we have been together, and how far we have come together," he said. "Killian that is so romantic I could kiss you right now, if you were here," I said. This guy was every girl's dream. "And there isn't anything else you'd like to do to me?" he teased. "Stop teasing, I'll have my way with you later," I said back, grinning. "Oh how I love the sound of that. I'll be back very soon love. Goodbye," and then he hang up, obviously in a rush now.

Killian returned two hours later. Not only did he return with more cinnamon, he returned with more everything. More apples, sugar, pie crust, everything. I turned abruptly hearing the trip into the door, followed by a groan and bags falling on the floor. I put down the bowl in my hands and laughed when I saw Killian on the floor. "You are such a great help, darling," he groaned, sitting up to begin picking up the ingredients. "Sorry Killian, I'm coming to help now," I said making my way over to him. I began picking up apples, placing them back in a bag when I laid my eyes on something that was definitely not an apple. I froze, my mouth opening to speak with no words coming out. "Swan? What's the matter?" he said seeing my expression. All I could manage to do was point to it, stand up and say three words shakily. "What is that?" I asked. He turned around to see exactly what I was pointing at. A ring box. "Fuck Swan you weren't supposed to see that yet," he said, bending down to pick it up. A small smile formed on my lips, and after seeing my reaction he grinned, got the courage in him and bent on a knee. "Emma Swan, I have loved you since I laid eyes on you. I knew I was going to be absolutely ruined by you. We have done almost everything together, and been through it all. Those few years without you were the worst years of my life. I need you in it. I love you. But before being the woman I love, you are my best friend. My home," he said gently, shaking a slight bit. Tears formed in my eyes as he spoke, gasping when he opened the box to reveal a glimmering ring, the diamond winking at me. "This was going to wait until our evening tomorrow, but Emma Swan will you-" "Oh shut up and kiss me. Yes," I said, picking him up from the ground and pulling his lips to mine. He had managed to slip the ring on during that time, as tears rolled down my face while I kissed him. I loved him. He loved me. And the rest? It was history.

A/N: This is the final chapter! Thank you all so much for the support you've given this story, I had no idea it would reach 3k reads. This story, while not the best, has meant a lot to me and to think it started based on an edit on vine I had made is crazy. Thank you all so much, happy holidays and happy new year :)

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