Chapter 11

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Emma's POV:

Nearly seven months after I had received a letter from August, Killian and I were ready to make our escape from the orphanage. Killian had gotten a raise at the nearby job at the dock, and had saved enough money to get us to August up in Oxbox, Maine where August had a good enough house to fit the three of us. The plan was perfect. The house was going out to another monthly movie, and with all the little kids we had to see Mulan. The house had taken in little kids, leaving just four in their teens, including Killian and I. Distractions shouldn't be hard. We would either make a move before, during or after the movie. All about timing. With a bit of research, I was able to figure out how to get a car into motion without keys. Everything was ready. Luckily in homes you didn't have too many belongings, so all of our things were able to be tucked into my small backpack. I stood at the side of my bed stuffing one last shirt into my bag, Killian's stuff already packed. I picked up the blanket sitting on the foot of my bed, a neat purple woven into it to form my name. My fingers danced over the carefully stitched name, the last thing left to my childhood. Emma. I held it to my chest for a moment, wrapping my arms tightly around it inhaling its scent. It smelt of old fabric and some perfume I couldn't recognize. It must've been my mothers. There was a faint knock on my door, and I turn with my blanket still in my hand to see Killian standing in my doorframe with a sympathetic smile. "Ready love?" he asked as he walked into the room standing almost a head above my height. In response I nod, stuffing the blanket into my backpack and swinging it over my shoulder.


Being late to the movie, before the movie wasn't an option. One option eliminated. Two left. I got a bit nervous, even more nervous than us leaving the house for the last time. Killian assured me that it was alright, that we still had two options. But we only had three to start with. Feeling sick at the rush of panic and train of thoughts, I excused myself making my way to the restroom. I heard the door push behind me knowing either Killian was behind me or some house adult. When I felt a large hand grip my wrist tugging me towards them, I didn't need a brain to know it was Killian. His tug was a bit rougher than he would have wanted, and I bumped into his chest causing a soft grunt as my body slammed into his. Shaking my head, I looked down at my dirty sneakers and muttered an apology for hitting his chest. He picked my chin up and looked me dead in the eyes and spoke in an easy tone. "Swan, calm down. Take a breath," he began. Doing as he told me to, I let out a shaky breath as he began speaking again. "Look around. What don't you see?" I turned around slowly noticing the empty theater. Just the two of us. "People?" I said questioningly. Why did that matter? "Exactly," he finished with a grin as he grabbed my hand pulling us both out into the streets down a back alley to an abandoned car. "You ready to go Swan?"

Difficult Little DevilsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora