Chapter Three

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**orphanage two years later**

Killian's POV

Ingrid decided to take the kids out of the house on day trips, the young, young ones went to the movies and the not as young ones went to the zoo. So I, being ten, had to go to the zoo. I would've liked the movie better personally, but at least I'm out of the house. We had to take a train to get to the zoo, and the only vehicle I've been in is a car, so I was a bit excited. I sat down eagerly in an empty seat distancing myself from the group. I saw a small movement between the adults in the car towards me, and Emma squeezed out between two men in suits, almost falling into the seat next to me. "Are you alright?" I ask with a low laugh. "Yeah, I'm okay," she said in response. I didn't realize I was holding onto her bicep in a protective manner, and quickly released my grasp hoping she didn't notice. The train started to pick up and I felt myself move slightly in my seat as the train jolted forward. "So this is your first time on a train?" Emma asked as she leaned back in her seat. I nod and she grins, pulling my shoulder back so I'm leaning against the glass next to her. "It's not all that exciting. Nothing like that ship you got in the port," she added with a laugh. "You always manage to slip The Jolly Roger into conversation," I say as my cheeks flush slightly pink. "How could I not?" She asks still laughing. The train slowed down, going to a complete stop. "We have to get there before them. It's more fun on our own. Come on!" She said, practically jumping out of her seat and grabbing my hand, pulling me with her. The way her hand fit perfectly in mine made my heart skip a beat, I hope my hand didn't start to sweat.. Even if it did she showed no signs of knowing. Before I knew it we were in the zoo standing in front of a large pond in the center of it all, tossing bread at nearby birds. Her face lit up when she saw a beautiful white swan swim by, with a few tinier ones behind it. I nudged her gently and laughed under my breath. "Have a thing for swans?" "You have your weird love for ships, let me have mine Killian," she noted with a sarcastic eye roll. "Where have you two been? Get over here!" Ingrid yelled as she saw us at the pond. Emma sighed, annoyed we had been found. "Guess we should go," she said as she walked towards Ingrid. I followed right behind her, glancing back briefly when I heard the swan honking.

(Quick Note: Sorry about the time jump! Unfortunately to keep the story moving there will be a good amount of time jumps.) 

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