Chapter Nine

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Emma's POV

The years continued and it started to feel like this house was a jail. The people were the same, with the exception of few people. Nowadays, only the younger kids were adopted. When I was half the age I am now, people said once you got past ten you had no chance of being adopted and I didn't believe it to be true. Well standing in this house at my age is living proof that it is true, even if I spent night after night hoping it wasn't. After an after school rehearsal for my high school's musical, I was happy to be getting back the home. I was hungry. I was tired. And rehearsal today was not easy. As soon as I walked in, a girl who's name was Mary was leaving the house. She was eight years old. Inside was one of the heads of the house talking to Charlotte who was a few years younger than me. The two got along very well and I could tell Charlotte was upset to see someone like her little sister be adopted. It was bad enough her younger brother was adopted. She lost now two people close to her. I couldn't help but feel bad. Then I heard some familiar words from the woman speaking to Charlotte, "Someone will come for you." And then I became angry. Because that was exactly what I was told when I hit the age of ten. And was told that every night I was caught crying. It had just hit me. I was fed false hope. And nothing but that. I stormed into the kitchen brushing past August who was writing as always, grabbed an apple and thundered up the stairs. I ran into my room throwing my bag down on my bed and went to shut the door but Killian walked into the doorframe with an easy smile. "I could tell that was you. And let me guess, something is up," he started, walking a bit towards me basically letting himself in. With every light tap on the top of my flats from the top of his black Vans I stepped back, letting him come in. "Well I guess it's obvious," I muttered taking a seat on my bed after shutting the door when Killian came in. "I'm your best friend and know you. Of course it's obvious. And don't eat those apples. They're a week old," Killian said as soon as I was about to bite into the apple. Throwing it in my garbage can, he sat next to me making the mattress bounce slightly. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Just had a bad realization about some things. One thing being the false hope I was given here. Another being that I can't ballroom dance," I said with a quiet laugh at the last part. He raised an eyebrow at me, not understanding what I meant. "The musical has a ballroom dance number and I can't do it if my life depended on it," I laughed. "Well I could teach you," he said quietly. "Woah woah you can do that?" I asked, impressed with him. He answered with a shy nod, standing up in front of me and holding out his hand. By the way he avoided eye contact, I guess he didn't want me to ever know he could dance. Was he embarrassed? Because I thought it was cute. I took his hand and stood up, his hand coming down to my waist as mine rested on his shoulder. I kept looking down at my feet while he led the dance, an occasional remark from him reminding me to keep my chin up and look at him instead of feet. Jesus his eyes were blue. After losing myself just looking at him, my feet felt like feathers and I was able to complete the dance. I didn't even know it was close to the end until he bowed in front of me with a quiet laugh. "You appear to be a natural Swan," he said gently. I smiled a bit my eyes staying stuck on his face. Noticing I was staring, I quickly cleared my throat and lead him to the door rushing my words. "Okay thanks I'm gonna get some rest." I shut the door before he could say anything more. I said goodnight to him through the door before pressing my body against the hard wood. What was that feeling I felt while I was dancing? Why couldn't I take my eyes off him? Whatever was going on I had to push it down and away. It was better that way. 

A/N: Sorry about taking such a long time to update! I'm not feeling this fanfic too much anymore tbh, I regret writing it in first person. Also I am a godawful writer, I will never know why so many people have read this fanfic. Like 1.6k? What? Insane to me. I will try my best to finish it before Christmas or maybe even Thanksgiving, because trust me I know the pain of an unfinished, barely updated fanfic. Yikes. Thanks for sticking with this fanfic, I have possible ideas for others that may be posted on a different site. Thank you babes xxx

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