Chapter 8

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Killian's POV

The orphanage seems to be shrinking. People keep leaving. There's only six kids now, including Emma and I. Emma's now ex-boyfriend Neal was adopted and promised he'd keep in touch and come back for her, but it's been months since she's heard from him. She's still hurt but she'll get over it. But until she's over it I'm here for her. But she's taking forever... it's been months. She's still sulking. I get she's sixteen and has, well let's just say your basic teenage girl moods, but months is enough. Especially today, it's her birthday and she's even more upset than usual. I have something that may cheer her up, I've been working a good enough job at the docks next to the house and got her something I know she'll love. I walk up with her gift in my back pocket and cupcake in my hand, making a turn into my room to grab a candle for the cupcake. I stop abruptly seeing Emma sitting in my day bed looking at the water. Confused, I put down the cupcake on my nightstand and walk over and sit next to her. She turned her head to look at me and smiled softly. "Hey," she said, looking back out the window. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having the birthday girl in my room?" I ask with a smirk. She laughed, keeping her eyes out the window but maintaining conversation. "You're right, the water helps ease the mind," she said. "Emma for once be happy. It's your sixteenth birthday!" I said nudging her playfully. "Doesn't feel special to me," she said. I sighed, getting up to grab the cupcake and putting the candle in it, lighting it up and sitting back down next to her. She looked over, giving her classic "are you kidding" face but smiled, blowing it out and taking the cupcake. "Got one more thing for you Swan," I said reaching into my back pocket, handing her a small box. "Killian," she started. "No no no, take it. I've been working a job and got some money. Open it," I said watching her. She opened it and smiled. "A swan necklace? You're the best best friend ever," she said pulling me into a hug. "Here let me," I said taking the necklace. She turned so I could put it on her, and I never noticed how perfectly her soft curls fell to the middle of her back. She's beautiful, but could never know I thought that. I clasped the necklace together, pulling her hair out from beneath it. It was one of the most sincere smiles I've seen in a while. The smile fit perfectly on her face. 

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