Christmas Day and a Drunken Confession

Start from the beginning


"LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE!" you and Thatch shouted at the same time. Everyone grabbed some liquor, some just starting it off easy with bottles, and others starting off with the poppa beardo barrels. 

~3 hours later~

"*hic* HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY WASSUUUUUP?!?!" you yelled as you walked *cough* stumbled *cough* your way over to the freckled male who was chugging down a barrel of beer. He burped drunkenly as lazily looked over at you and smiled. 

"Y-Yo man...have you even been drinking?? You don't seem d-drunk AT AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!" you shouted the last part for no fucking reason. He nodded.

"I have been, a lot more than most people here actually. I just have high alcohal tolerance."


"Man, you're totally shitfaced. Kinda like when I first joined." he laughed his ass off at the memory of challenging Whitebeard to a fight, and then seeing you drunk out of your mind. He shook his head. 

"Anyways, what did you come over here to tell me? I could tell you wanted to say something." he took a nice large swig. 

"OH *hic* YEEEAAAAAAAAAH! Haruta couldn't take it anymore! He passed out first! LESH GO DECORATE HIIIIM!" you yelled as you stood up quickly. He laughed at your clumsiness and stood up too, following you towards the large crowd of his crewmates decorating their 'fallen' crewmate. 

He stood there and watched while you grabbed bright green tinsel and wrapped it around Haruta's body as if he really was a tree. Everyone added ornaments and sparkles and even lights. When he was finished you put a large star on top of his head and everyone laughed. Suddenly hearing the sound of another body hitting the floor, it soon became a very busy day of decorating crewmates like Christmas suddenly puked all over them.

~Time it's night lol~

That was the last one. You giggled as you put a big Christmas bow ontop of Marco's head around his pineapple hair to finish off the look.

"*Hic* OOOOoooooooooOOOH MY FUDJCKD GOD! ASHE! DO YOu! YOU You! ARE YOU SEEIN THIS!?! PFFTZ HAAAAAAAAAAA!" you yelled out as you wrapped your arms around Ace's neck and hung off of him like a monkey.

"FIght meh!" you yelled. He shook his head, very well aware of reality because of his tolerance. 

"Make me." he simply said, enjoying the entertainment of a drunk you. You hummed in thought until he suddenly felt you lick the side of his face.



"WAAH!?!" you looked shocked until you laughed at your own drunken stupidity. 

"Okay. Let's get you to bed." he sighed happily, picking you up to where your legs wrapped around his middle, arms around his neck, and you were hanging on his front instead of a normal piggy back ride. 


"I'm not a stranger (Y/n), I'm-"

"CAN I TELLS YOU A SECWETS??" you asked, speech slurring. He rolled his eyes.




"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." your pinky's locked and unlocked.

"Pinky, winky promise??" 

"Pinky, winky promise." your pinky's locked once again, followed by you both winking at one another. 

"So what's the secret?"

"What's the what?? OOOOOOOOOOOH THE SECRET! Yeah yeah! Okay! So there's dis guy zat I like." his heart thudded hard against his chest as he was suddenly all ears.

"I-Is that so...?"

"YEAAH! He's such a hottie too. Like DAAAAYUUUUUM! He's got abs and he's just reeeeaal sexeh. Mmm! I sometimes wish I could just lick his abs. Like put whip cream on his abs and eat it. Yuummmyyy. Ab cream!!" his face turned to a disgusted look.

"You should think of another name for that."

"NO! AB CREAM!" then he let that part sink in.

'She likes a guy to the point she fantasizes about licking whipped cream off of his abs. Lost your chance buddy.' 

He sighed in sadness.

"ANYWAAAAAAAAYZ! Okay so like, yeah, he's fuckin FIIIIIiiiIIIIIIINE! Like HOO-HEE! He's sho cool too! Like biiitch! I also find him..." your voice took on a soft tone that he loved and wished was aimed towards him, "Adorable."


"Mhm. Adorable. He has his cutesy moments. Heeheee~ when he gets all embaarraassed. AAAAAAWe!! Or when he blushes! SHO CUTESY~!" you sighed dreamily. Each of the compliments made the pain in his heart grow stronger each time.

"He'll never like me back thoooough." you sounded genuinely hurt and depressed. He set you in your bed, tucked you in and kissed your forehead. No candles were on, just complete darkness. You were drifting off, and he wanted to get an answer quick, or else miss out on the opportunity to find out who the girl that he was completely infatuated with, was so madly in love with.


"Mhm stranger?" you said in an exhausted tone.

"Who is he?"

"Who is who?"

"The guy you love."

"Oh...hehe~ his Ace."



"A-Ace...?" maybe he mishear-

"Mhm...Ace. He has these freckles that remind me of sprinkles, and his hair is as black as coal. He's really cool, and sweet...and funny...and I only realized it a little while ago...but I love him. A lot.

His heart hurt. 

In a good way.

A really good way.

You had gone into a deep sleep, and he stood there, staring at your sleeping form with wide eyes, a dark red blush on his cheeks, and a loudly rampaging heart.

"I love you too." he whispered softly as he kissed you on your cheek and left the bedroom.

'She won't even remember any of this tomorrow....' 

He walked into his own cabin, tucking himself into his warm welcoming bed.

'Goodnight (Y/n)...sweet dreams."


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