Chapter 17

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"You're...what?" My mom asked. I started blushing out of sheer nervousness. My knees were shaking as I continued. "I'm dating Karma and I'm happy with that, just like I'm happy with my life even if you think it's bad." I told her. I couldn't look up while I said it. I hid my eyes from her using my bangs.

"And you think I'll be fine with that?" She surprised me. I finally looked up to see my mom looking pissed off. I had already been nervous, but at this point I wanted to sink through the floor. "I-I just-" I started but my mom interupted me. "You just thought when you really shouldn't." She wasn't even yelling. It would be easier if she had been yelling. "You haven't changed a bit since you were 16, you're still naive and think you can live without me."

I was lost for words as I stood there. All I could do was look at her with a pained expression. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Karma close behind me, an encouraging look in his eyes. I breathed in deeply before turning back to my mother, smiling.

"I'm happy, that really should be enough for you. And I want to keep doing what I'm doing. I like me job, even if my boss is acting like a 5 year old. I like this apartment, even without heating. I like my friends, even if they're busy most of the time. And... I like Karma." I looked at Karma, he was smiling at me so I decided to continue.

"My life isn't bad. It might not be what you had in mind but who cares? It would be way better for you to accept this than having me never talk to you again. Because, mom, you do NOT control me."

There was no sound in the entire apartment. My mom's face showed pure outrage. She was about to finally speak, but Karma interrupted her before she could even start. "You shouldn't yell at him for being himself. Don't tell me yourself wanted to be your own person? Don't push the life you never had on your son." He stepped in front of me.

Still my mom looked angry. She didn't let out a single word. Instead she looked at Karma for a few seconds, before turning to me. She looked... doubtful. She then turned around and walked away from us to go into the bathroom. Me and Karma were left in the living room, me having lost my words.

I wasn't sure wether I should cry at that moment. I felt sort of sad my mom walked out, but I was silently proud of myself. "I'll text the others to meet us there." I said out loud, so Karma knew what was going on. He hummed in confirmation as I grabbed my phone and opened our groupschat. My hands were still shaking a little as I typed.


Of course they all got that something was up. The first person we came across was Sugino, who'd been waiting at the entrance for us to arrive. "Nagisa!" He called out as he saw me walking to go in. I smiled at him as I walked in his direction. It probably wasn't the brighest smile, the thing with my mom was still bothering me slightly.

"And Karma, right? Nagisa's friend." Sugino turned to Karma. "He's my boyfriend actually..." I awkwardly let out. Sugino turned his head almost at the speed of light. "Wait you're gay?!" He said loudly. I couldn't call it yelling, but still. "Jesus Sugino, they don't need to hear it in England you know?!" I whisper-screamed as I slightly pushed him. Sugino laughed as an answer. "Just be happy man." He said.


"So Karma, are you going to take care of Nagisa properly?" Sugino asked Karma as we sat down to wait for the others. "Well I was meaning to do so." Karma answered, seemingly confused about Sugino's question. "Good. Nagisa might not have actual brothers to defend him, but I sure will beat up anyone who hurts him." I cringed at this point. "Though I have to admit the girls are strong as fuck as well and they'll totally defend Nagisa as well." Sugino added.

I put my head in my hands and groaned out of embarrassment. "I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself pretty good, and I can be a back up. I mean, I have a record because of all my fighting..." Karma said the last part a bit softer. I looked up at him in surprise. "You have a record?!?" I questioned him. Karma just shrugged.

An office story//KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now