Chapter 11.

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Me and Karma hang out a lot those few weeks. We would usually either go to his place or one of us would know a nice place to visit. Possibly my favourite discovery was that Karma liked my favourite movie, Sonic Ninja. "The director is definetly my favourite." He told me once we had left the movie theatre. "It's rare to see him do superhero or comic book movies."

We seemed to have a lot more in common too. Apart from the fact that Karma is mkre of a tease, we have quite the same humour. For some reason all of his jokes made me laugh seriously hard. When I asked Kayano she said it was a normal thing when you are in love. I never told Karma I liked him, I wasn't sure how. Karma hadn't really said anything else romantic either, which worried me a lot. I mean I knew he was gay of course. Karma literally told me about 7 times about boys he dated, yet somehow he never talked about wether our hang outs were actually dates or wether he just wanted to be friends with me. It was honestly just frustrating.


I came home the 20th of december to be surprised by not only my mom, who was in fact still staying with me, but also by Kayano. When I opened my door the first thing I saw was the green dyed hair of one of my best friends brush by as she walked to the kitchen. "Kayano, dafuq?" I said, maybe a little too loud, and she turned around.

As soon as she saw me her face showed a nervous smile. "Oh heeeeey Nagisa, I was here to talk to you about...something... and your let me in." She said looking back to the couch where my mom was seated. My mom had an innocent smile on her face. For some reason I did not trust that smile the least.

"Do we...need to talk in my room?" I turned to Kayano. She nodded slightly and I sighed, knowing I'd have to give my mom some kind of excuse for the secrecy. "Well you can talk about stuff with me around too." My mom told us. I highly doubted that. Seeing my mom's face I knew she was thinking I was dating Kayano. Maybe the fact that a girl, who called herself my best friend, came to my apartment and needed to talk to me in privat gave my mom some weird ideas.

I excused both me and Kayano, saying it would be more comfortable for my friend to talk when alone with me, and me and Kayano entered the bedroom. I carefully closed the door while watching Kayano fall down on my 2 person's bed. The green of my blankets kind of suited her hair, at least better than it fit mine.

"So...what's up?" I asked her as I sat down on my bed as well. "The opposite of down." Kayano said, smiling a little. I snorted and fell back, now laying next to her. "Very funny, but seriously why did we need privacy?" I asked further. Kayano turned to look me in the eyes. Her eyes seemed golden with the light shining through the windows. "It'd about the christmas party." She said.

The christmas party in question was the party held at our local theatre. It's quite a big party and a lot of people I know go. Unfortunately I am aware of the fact that one of those familiar guests is my boss. Yes, Kayano told me Irina was also on the guest list. Me and Kayano are going because of 2 reasons:

1. Kayano works at the theatre.
2. We went last year and it was really enjoyable.

"What about the party?" I questioned. Kayano started smiling. No, not just smiling. It was more of a smirk, as if she knew something I didn't. I sat up and pulled my white shirt down before glaring at her and saying: "You look really evil right now." Kayano then stood up and turned to me to give me the announcement.

"I just found out Karma Akabane is on the guest list." She proudly presented. I blinked a few times. Realisation suddenly hit me like a truck. "He's coming to the party..." I whispered, slightly freaked out. The idea of asking Karma to come by for christmas had crossed my mind of course, but my mund had told me we were in a too early stage of friendship for that, plus he might wanna visit family or something.

"Hey, at least I can meet him now!" Kayano said joyfully. I smiled at her, of course I was happy about that. "If you had more time we could hang out with the 3 of us some time, maybe if Sugino is actually available for once, maybe if Kanzaki and Manami will be coming back in town before christmas..." I rattled but Kayano had started shaking me. "You can impress Karma with your amazing friends at the party!" Kayano told me.

The thought made me happy. We could hang out some other time than at the office or after work some place. There was just one problem. "My mom is also coming to the party."

Kayano's face went from excited to something you'd pull after seeing a dead bird. "Nagisa your mom is sort of..." kayano started but I waved her off, saying I knew all about it. My mind started to wonder if I could convince my mom to not go to the party. But then she'd still probably meet Karma at some point. Someday he'll want to come to my appartment again.

Why'd life have to be so in my way. I went to bed that night, yet again on the couch which I now got more used to, and all I thought about was my mom and Karma meeting. Karma could come over quite violent. Who am I kidding, he was. My mom would not like him at all.

I made a plan for the next day. I would talk to Karma about the party. Maybe if I knew who he was coming with I could make up a story for my mom. Or maybe...I just wanted to know to see who Karma hung arounf with other than me.

A/N: yeah so...if you hadn"t guessed....the last chapter is gonna be at this christmas party.....

Yet again: thanx for reading and so so so so so much thank you to all the people who voted!!! It makes me so happy like omg...

An office story//KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now