Chapter 3.

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Sometimes I really can't believe Irina. After I had just spent so long getting some weird brand coffee from a store in the middle of nowhere and having to make it with my almost non-existent knowledge of coffee, she was not happy with it. She was telling me an entire story on how it was gross, bitter and just difficult to swallow. "You probably made it wrong." She said as she pointed her long, pink nail in my direction. "I so did not, in what other way can I make coffee?" I retorted. "The good way." She said and she turned away from me. "Karasuma would not recommend me this bitter shit." "Coffee is supposed to be bitter, Irina." "Shut up."

I had no idea what I was supposed to do about the situation. I could make another coffee, but how? It'd probably just taste the same. Mrs. Bitch just couldn't accept that she doesn't like this coffee, or coffee in general. "You never even drink coffee?" I chided. "But Karasuma does..." she mumbled to herself.

I hate my job.

At the exact moment I was going to offer another cup someone knocked on the door. Through the glass walls I could already see who it was. Karasuma. Irina had, of course, also noticed and was now fixing her hair frantically. Seriously woman, he already saw you through the glass. I opened the door for Karasuma, who nodded to me politely as he walked in. "Irina." he said simply.

Irina's reaction wasn't simple. She panicking stood in front of him, put on her biggest smile, and stuttered some words. "Karasum- hello c-can I- like you-you" I wanted to laugh at her so bad, unfortunately she is my boss and can in fact fire me. Instead I sat on top of the desk and watched the conversation go.

"I heard you already tried the coffee I recommended?" Karasuma asked. "Oh uhm...well yes but..." Irina started. "But? Is it not your taste?" he asked. There was honestly no romance in this conversation whatsoever, how boring. "Well you see, my assistant made a mistake making it so it just doesn't taste right." Irina said. She sounded more confident now, the shock of her crush suddenly arriving had completely disappeared.

I, of course, was offended. I snorted loudly, attracting Karasuma's attention. "This cup?" He asked while pointing at the cup next to me on the desk. I nodded and he picked up the cup and took a sip. I watched him while swinging my legs back and forwards, seeing as my legs are short enough for that. Karasuma looked up, stared at Irina, and said: "This is its right taste, don't think your assistant made a mistake there?"

I laughed my ass off. It feels great to win from your own boss, especially when your boss is mrs. Bitch. Irina's face was completely empty, it showed no emotion at all. Karasuma still had a serious look on his face. I'd never actually seen him with any other emotion showing. I on the other hand was dying, figuratively. My laugh was the only sound filling the office and I did not care. I leaned backwards and almost fell over. Change that, I fell over.

I stood up immediately and smiled at Irina. "Sorry." I said, holding in my laugh. She mumbled something I didn't understand, possibly in another language, as she walked out of the door. "And also sorry to you." I said, turning to Karasuma. "It's okay," he sighed "you're young. I have a young assistant as well and I know how he is." As the thought of his assistant he seemed to sigh even louder. He then walked away, and closed the office door after him.

Though I could have spent another hour just standing there, laughing, I decided not to. Instead I realised that this entire situation made me crave coffee. And seeing as Irina was probably going to give me a lot of work for home, I could use the caffeine.

Instead of using the coffee machine on our floor I decided to go to the cafeteria. The coffee there was nicer and seeing as Irina was busy sulking somewhere else I decided I could take the time to treat myself.

I finally got my coffee and decided to sit at an empty table. Unfortunately it was in the middle of the room, not my favourite spot. I took a sip and noticed some people went to sit down on the other side of the table. A blonde girl whom I didn't know and the one guy I'd seen way too much already that day, Karma. "Sorry, can't get enough of you it seems." he said. I snorted, like, really loudly.   

A/N: short chapter, i know. It's a little in between chapter... next chapter is...well... is gay an adjective?

An office story//KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now