Train Ride to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you coming?" Harry asked. Puzzled at why Draco wasn't walking out of the compartment.

Draco twiddled his thumbs. "I think I'll just wait for the train to become less crowded, and then leave." Draco answered. Hermione and Ron stood there.

"We've got to go, Harry." Hermione insisted. Harry looked back to them.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you." Harry smiled. Hermione and Ron were hesitant, but they nodded, and left with the crowd. Harry sat back down in the compartment, across from Draco.

Draco sat there wearing his Slytherin robes, and Harry in his Gryffindor robes.

"I'll walk with you to get a carriage." Harry said. He made eye contact with him. Draco gave him a thankful smile in response.  

Once the majority of the students left, Harry and Draco exited the train together. They found a carriage, but it was occupied by Luna Lovegood.

"Don't be shy. There's plenty of room." Luna said in her ever dreamy voice. She took some new colorful glasses out, and put them on. Harry and Draco stepped onto the carriage, and away it went. Harry watched the Thestrals joints move about. It caught the attention of Draco.

"What is that?" Draco asked, looking at the Thestral. Luna and Harry looked at him.

"Those are Thestrals. Every carriage is pulled by them, but not everyone can see them." Luna said casually.

Harry straightened his back. "Yeah. You can only see them if you've seen someone die, and remembered it. Most of the students should be able to see them, sadly." Harry added. He dazed off, looking at the Thestral.

Luna's glasses started to blink lights. "Both of your heads are filled with Shallons. Are you worried about something?" Luna asked. Harry laughed a little.

"I'm always worried." Was all Harry had to say. Draco nodded his head to that.

The rest of the carriage ride to the castle was quiet in comfortable silence.

When they got there, they noticed that just about everyone was congregated outside in the courtyard. The three exited the carriage, and focused their attention on Minerva, who seemed to be gathering everyone.

"Thank you all for staying out here. I just have a couple new announcement before you walk in. We had to remodel 76% of the school, so there has been some changed. The dungeons have become flooded, so we created a new tower for Slytherin, in the east wing. A lot of the classrooms have been relocated, so there are signs all around the school to help you get where you need to go. Also, as the new headmaster, I have gotten rid of the four tables in the dinning hall to create more unity, and I have instead added circular tables. There's a limit of 8-9 people per table. And while I have you here, let me remind you that Forbidden Forest is forbidden, and anyone walking about after hours will get points deducted, and detention. You are now dismissed to the Dinning Hall." Minerva concluded. She moved out of the way, to let the crowd of students walk in. It took a moment, but everyone realized the Dining Hall was still in the same location, and they all made their way there.

"Let's go." Harry said. Harry, Draco, and Luna lagged behind the group, and were one of the last people to enter the dinning hall. Most of everyone had found their group of friends, and took a seat at a table.

"Harry! Over here!" Ron shouted. Harry heard him, and followed his voice to a table in the corner. Harry started to walk over to them. So far only Hermione, and Ron were there.

He looked back, and noticed Luna and Draco seemed a little lost. Harry turned back to the two.

"If you want to sit with us, you're more than welcomed. There's enough room." Harry said.

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