Chapter 26. Necking is probably just the tip of the iceberg

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Both Laura and Cody turned their heads and found themselves staring straight into Lance's and Phil's cold and dark eyes. The temperature in the room  dropped to subzero in a second. Both of them stood in the door opening to the living room, their postures stiff and their faces distorted in cross grimaces. 

 Cody turned around completely and moved in front of Laura, making himself as big as possible, in an attempt to hide her from her sons' visible anger. This was all his fault, his doing.  He was to blame.

 Lance took a step forward, his fist clenched hard and tight next to his body. This was just too much for him. He was in shock.

 Okay. He had expected that he and his brother would walk into something. . .but THIS!

 Their mom and their best friend . . . seriously necking. Oh god.

 And . . . knowing Cody Warner and his ways as well as they do, necking is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Oh sweet mother of god.

 "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CODY?" Lance yelled so hard his voice cracked, he held one of his hands to his forehead in a desperate gesture. "MY GOD!"

 Phil just stood beside him with his mouth wide agape, staring at them like he'd seen a ghost or an alien or something. Every now and then he just shook his head.

 "SO THIS IS THE WAY THAT YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF OUR MOTHER?" Lance's voice turned into falsetto with anger as he suddenly lunged forward towards Cody.

 Somehow deep inside, Cody thought that maybe he deserved a real good slug from Lance. He saw that he had his fist clenched hard and it was coming his way, but then again, he just could not stand still and just let him punch him blind, now could he?

 Now some of the martial art practice he had those years ago when he was abroad came well in handy. He just hoped he remembered all of it and that his moves would not be as rusty as he thought they might be..

 With a quick move he pushed Laura gently out of the way, then he blocked the clenched fist that came flying through the air at him, by grabbing Lance's arm and then bending it roughly up behind his back as he pushed him face forward into the wall. The thud when he connected with the wall was low but hearable.

 "Sorry Lance, "Cody  mumbled as he held his struggling friend in a tight grip, "I may deserve a hard blow to my chin, but I don't fancy that right now. Maybe later, but not now, okay?" For a second his eyes diverted over to where Phil was standing, just to check that he wasn't about to jump him too.

 Laura stood at the side and watched with her eyes wide in horror. Oh god, what a nightmare.

"Please Lance, cool down.  .  ." Laura pleaded in a fragile voice. This was not good.

 "COOL DOWN?" he squealed in reply as Cody still held him against the wall, "This fucker was all over you, god damn it Mom!" he struggled the best he could to try and get out of Cody's grip, but it was in vain," Damn you, Cody. Let me go, you bastard. . ." he growled through gritted teeth.

 "Only if you cool down, "Cody said in a cool and low voice, his grip firm. He glanced over at Laura with sorrow in his eyes as he shook his head, "I'm so sorry babe."

 "BABE?" Lance sputtered out in shock and glared at his mother as he still kept on struggling in Cody's  iron grip, "You're his BABE now? Now that's just priceless! Unbelievable."

 The venom in his voice made Laura take a step back and she stared at him with hurt. The fact that they, Lance first and foremost, looked at both her and Cody with such disgust, made her so deeply sad.

Her sons best friend (Aka Cougartown)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon