Chapter 11. What every man wants

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In the mall, Laura bumped into Marla, and by doing so she felt reluctantly bothered somehow. Marla on the other hand had been more than talkative, and she wondered if Laura knew if Phil was going to the bar later that night.

Laura told her that he would probably, if not would certainly, be there, she then made her excuse and left the mall in a hurry.

As she got out on the parking lot, she got into her car and drove off from there.

*   *

Time had passed even faster than she could have imagined, and it was about time to get ready for the night shift at the bar.

As she got home the house was empty. She breathed a sigh of relief even though she knew it would make no difference. Cody would be at the bar tonight. She knew it. She would not be able to get away.

Even though she knew that, she looked forward to tonight's event. It was Rock night. That helped a little.

As she got inside the house she took a bottle of beer and opened it, taking a seat  down at the kitchen table.

Raking her hand through her hair, she closed her eyes hard and swallowed. Maybe it all was just a dream?

A dream all made up by her lonely and lovelorn heart and brain?

As she gave that some thought, she knew better. Slowly a small smile spread on her lips, but it faded fast.

She knew that they could never tell anyone about this, because even though it had been Cody who had taken the first step, seducing her, she would be the one they would blame. She just knew that.

Finishing the beer, she then quickly made herself ready for the nights work down at the bar.

~ ~

Gazing out over the crowded bar, Laura stood behind the counter serving out beers and drinks by the minute. As usual she had a row of admirers sitting in front of her drooling, just seeing their puppy-eyed longing looks made her roll her eyes discretely.

As she turned her head she saw Jeff standing at the far end of the bar, looking her way. Their eyes met and he fired away a broad grin and raised his glass to her.

Gosh, not him too! He had actually been serious when he had spoken to her at the barbecue. Slowly she turned her gaze down and she shook her head in amazement. This was just ridiculous. She was nothing to ogle over, for heaven's sake!

Then as she turned her eyes up again, she saw her sons enter the bar, and just two steps behind them came. . Cody. He walked with confident steps inside and his whole revelation oozed sexiness and assertiveness.

Immediately his eyes searched for her and when he spotted her, a lopsided grin spread on his lips. Laura felt her inside warm up and a familiar tingle settled between her thighs, making her full of expectation. That made her quite uneasy, because the way he affected her was not at all healthy for her. God darn it!

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