Chapter 23. You can thank me later.

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Okay. Yet another update. Hope you all will like it and vote for it.   A comment or two is also welcomed.

 Both brothers stared at each other, then they diverted their eyes slowly to the side and gave their mother a collective and very stern glance.

 The silence in the room was consuming all of them and it was beyond belief deafening, and Laura felt herself shrink to the size of a pea in front of her, as it seemed, judging sons.

She bit her lip nervously.

 Lance put his hands to his hips, straightening his stance, as he leaned his head to the side with questioning.

 “He’s doing WHAT?” he gave his mother scowl. ”You know, I must have heard you wrong, because I just thought I heard you say he was going after Neal. . “ the disbelief written all over his face.

 Laura’s closed her eyes briefly, thinking of Cody and what might happen if he was not stopped,  then she caved in to the tribulations and buried her face in her hands.

 “He is.” her voice was almost a sob, “He IS going after Neal. . .and it’s not going to be pretty.”

 Laura took small gasps of air. Somehow the ability of breathing had become quite difficult.

 Phil put his hand to his forehead shaking his head. What was it that their mother wasn’t telling them.

 “But why, mom? C’mon, level with us. You are scaring the shit out of us right now.”

 Oh god! Had it really come to that now? Did she really have to tell them?

 Well, as it was right now, Lance was sure as hell that he had unraveled something, but Laura was not sure if he knew exactly what he had unraveled.

 Phil on the other hand, seemed to struggle with what he had seen so far, and that was just his friend Cody leaving her bedroom in a flash with fury. What he would or could make of that, she had no clue.

 “Oh god!” she said silently, Her hand came to rest at her forehead, a gesture making her look like a woman done in. And she really felt like she was. This whole situation had gone completely out of hand. Everything had.

She looked up at both of them through lashes and with eyes filled with tears unshed. Her brain working to process what she could actually share with them. . . without them going completely mental on her. . or on Cody.

 The most important thing to her was to make sure Cody was out of harms way.  She would not forgive herself if this would destroy a lifetime of friendship between her boys and him.

 She would have to lie. . .well, at least she had to bend the truth a little.

 Both Phil and Lance motioned for her to speak up as they were getting seriously impatient.

 “Come on mom. Spill it!” Lance growled.

 She winced a little at his demand. Then she eventually found her equilibrium.

“Okay. Before you got home tonight, something happened here.” she whispered,” Neal came over.”

 “O- O- Okay, “ Phil stuttered, looking at his mom. Both her appearance and the tone of her voice made him VERY uneasy. He did not like it one bit.

Her sons best friend (Aka Cougartown)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora