Chapter 50 (Part I)

Start from the beginning

Before Buaji could say anything, Arnav blasted, "What the?! No way!"

"But Arnavji–"

"No means NO. I'm not letting you meet that Sheetal!"

"Arnavji–" she tried again.

"Khushi. NO," he said sternly.

"At least–"

"Khushi you know how vile that woman is, so why meet her? No way am I letting you go!"

"But–" Khushi tried to argue but then got interrupted by Buaji.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?!"

"Haan, who are these people Khushi? Sheetal... Aman?" Payal asked, feeling confused too.

Instead it was Arnav who answered. "Aman was my colleague – another police officer. He is a nice man. And Sheetal is his sister."

"Arre Arnavji, these people seem nice, so why can't Khushi meet them? It's just going to be a few minutes right?" Payal asked.

And in that moment Arnav saw the same innocence of Khushi in her elder sister too. Trusting people so easily... These two girls were such a contrast to the evil world out there... And they definitely needed protection – which of course he will provide, now that he would also be a part of their family in a way. He would make sure that whoever Payal marries, will truly be worthy of her, he decided.

"That's what I thought too Payal... But... Sheetal is now in jail because she joined hands with L75 to kill Khushi," he finished.

"WHAT?!!" Buaji and Payal exclaimed together.

"Yh... Sheetal liked Arnav, but he had feelings for me... So when the chance came, she grabbed it and tried to help in getting me killed..." Khushi explained.

"All of this has happened, and you still want to go and meet that nasty girl? Khushi you are crazy!" Payal berated her little sister.

"Exactly! There is no way you are going there!" Buaji said sternly.

"But she's in jail! She can't do anything! I just... You don't understand how angry I am with her... And I couldn't even vent out my anger on her – before I knew it, everything was over... I just need to get some things off my chest... And for that I need to go and meet her for one last time..." Khushi looked at everyone, hoping they would understand.

Payal and Buaji didn't know the full details so they didn't really know how to react...

Arnav on the other hand, understood Khushi's feelings, but was still not sure whether he wanted her meeting Sheetal or not... He didn't want them to ever come across Sheetal ever again...

Seeing Arnav's undecided face, Khushi added, "And anyways Arnavji will be there with me na? When he's there, then nothing can happen to me." She said it with so much confidence, as it was a fact, making Arnav's heart swell with the confidence she had in him. And somewhere along the line, even Buaji and Payal believed Khushi when she said that.

"I leave the decision up to you Babua," Buaji said. "After all you know this Sheetal more than we do, and I trust you to take the right decision for Khushi and her safety."

Arnav simply nodded at her as he couldn't even speak for a few moments, overwhelmed by the trust Buaji put in him...

After thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Okay fine, you can meet Sheetal."

Khushi smiled, but Arnav continued, "But I have a few conditions. You will NOT talk to Sheetal alone – I will be with you every single second until we get out of that place. And you will only have 5 minutes to talk to her. We will not stay even a second later. Now tell me, do you agree?"

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