"Lance!" I cried, reaching out as I tried to find him. I needed him. I couldn't live without the man that I loved. No! LANCE!

"Lance!" I cried, the tears streaming down my face as I frantically tried to find him. When I turned around, Austin was grinning and Jane walked up behind him, a smirk plastered to his face. There was someone in the distance, but I couldn't make out the face. It was like whoever it was, was shielded.

"LANCE!" I cried as one last attempt to find him.

"Sarah, baby I'm right here. Wake up." A voice whispered in my ear as the sobs poured out. I opened my eyes slowly, to see Lance hovering above me, a frown on his flawless face.

I pulled him to me as I pressed my face into his chest, never wanting to let him go. It was only a dream, Sarah. Get ahold of yourself. I couldn't keep the tears from coming, so I just let them. There wasn't any stopping them once they'd started.

"Sweetheart, what is it?" Lance whispered as he laid down beside me, hugging me to his chest in a protective manner.

"Bad dream." I sobbed into his chest. "You were there and then you were gone and I couldn't find you and.....And.... Austin was there with Jane and some other person that I couldn't see!"

"Sarah, baby girl, breathe. I'm here, your here, and we are both fine. Okay? I love you. I'm not going anywhere. Not without my girl." Lance whispered, kissing my head. He was so sweet!

"Lance? I have to tell you something." I whispered, as I gained control of my everflowing tears.

"Anything, hon." Lance answered, stroking my hair. He pulled the covers up around me as a slight shiver ran through me. It was Saturday so there was no school. We could just spend the day in my room.

"I... I offered to show Austin around. After the fight you and him had, I-"

"You what?" Lance asked, his voice quiet, but the way he said it made me flinch. I knew he was only trying to protect me, but I never saw anything wrong with Austin. At least not until I'd had this dream. That was definitely a turning point. There was something seriously wrong with that kid.

"I showed him around last week. Oh, Lance! I'm sorry! I never wanted to upset you, but he begged me to do it!" I cried, hugging myself tighter to him and burying my face into his chest, inhaling cologne. He always smelled amazing!

Lance sighed, exasperated. "I'm not angry with you, Sarah. I just wish you would let me know these things. How did you even get a chance to talk to him? I've been doing my best to watch you like a hawk.

Boy was he right. Ever since the engagement party two weeks ago, Lance had never left my side. He refused to let me go anywhere, outside of my house or the packs house, on my own. He was way too overprotective.

"I.... I saw the fight. I saw you punch Austin when he said something about me. Lilly and I were hiding behind a nearby bush. But don't blame this on, Lilly. This was totally and completely me." I told him, my arms tightening areound him as he attempted to move away.

"Sarah." Lance sighed, running his fingers along my arm, sending an electric shick througth my entire body. Yup. It was still there. "What am I going to do with you?"

I assumed he wasn't mad, so I just smiled. "Love me."

He laughed quietly. "That's already a fact, babe."

"Since when do you use cute nicknames?" I asked, confused at the way he was using cutue nicknames like they were candy.

Lance shrugged around me. "I thought it might be something new to try."

Marrying The Alpha (Under Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant