Another Chance (Requested)

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Michael gasped. He shook his head.  "No, I'm right here." He yelled and went closer. "I'm not gone! Guys, I'm right here!" Neither of them seemed to hear him. "Taylor! Ostin!" He yelled in frustration.

He kneeled in front of them, and his heart broke at the sight. "Guys!" He went to put his hands on their shoulders, only for his hands to pass right through them.

Michael's anguished expression changed to fear. "No, no no no no." This can not be happening.

He looked around him. Everyone was crying, even Welch and the rescued Eagles were tearing up. They were all crying for him. But he was right there. He wasn't gone, he was right there. None of them even noticed him!

"They can't see you, dude."

Michael knew that voice. He looked up and his jaw dropped. "Tanner?"

"The one and only." He grinned uncharacteristically. The redhead was floating in the air, in a laying down position. His arms were behind his head, and one leg was over the other, as if he were in a hammock.

"Why can't they hear me?" Michael asked. He spun around at the sound of another voice behind him.

"Hello, Michael."

Michael gulped. "Gervaso?"

The man nodded in response, a small smile on his face. He was glad he was able to talk to Michael again.

Michael shook his head. "No, you two died. I saw you -" he gestured to Tanner "- die right in front of me!"

Tanner nodded in confirmation. "I remember, I was there."

"You guys are dead. I'm talking to dead people?"


"Does that mean -"

"You are a ghost?" Gervaso said. He stepped closer. "Not really."

Michael looked at him. "What does that mean?"

Gervaso put his hands on Michael's shoulders. "Michael, look at me." He obliged.

"You are dead, but at the same time, you're not." He silenced Michael as he tried to ask more questions. "Listen. What is the last thing you remember?"

"I got struck by lightning. No," he shook his head. "I absorbed the lightning."

Tanner grinned. "That was sick. I wish I could have filmed it."

Gervaso ignored him. "Okay. What happened after that?"

"I woke up, and I was floating really high in the air. Where the tower was."

"And where is the tower now?"

Michael turned, pointing at the empty air. "It was -" He blinked. His arm lowered, now pointing at the rubble. "It's destroyed."

Grease's voice softened. He has to break this lightly, or Michael would freak out and stop listening. "So where is your body?" Michael pointed at himself. He shook his head lightly. "That is not your body."

Michael blanched. "It's under all the rubble. I- I looped my belt around the tower so I wouldn't fall." 

"You did. Smart thinking, by the way." Gervaso took a deep breath. "I need you to listen very carefully." At the boy's nod, he said the next part slowly.

"You can go back. Hush, listen. Your body is buried underneath all of the rubble. Anyone else who did what you did would definitely be dead right now. However, you're not anybody else. You know how you keep getting electric? The lightning strike basically stopped that process."

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