Confession (Requested)

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The pair of glowing teens sneaked through the halls, trying their best to keep quiet.

"Are you sure about this?" The brunette asked uncertainly.

"Nope. But that's what makes it fun, babe." The taller of the two smirked.

The girl scowled at the name while he winked at her. She stuck out her tongue at him. "So mature." He chuckled.

The boy quieted down when he found the room he was looking for. "Here we are."

He took out a key that he swiped from one of the guards, quickly unlocking the door. He pulled the brunette in, despite her protests, before locking it again.

"What was so amazing that you had to drag me out of my room at this time? And honestly, Torstyn, you couldn't have at least let me change?" The green-eyed girl blushed when realizing that she was just in a small tank top and really short shorts.

Torstyn looked her up and down before shrugging. "I like it. You should dress like that more often, Ky."

If it was possible, Kylee grew redder at that comment. "Don't call me that! Why did you bring me inside a storage room in the middle of the night?"

Torstyn's arrogance vanished. He suddenly got really nervous, stuttering whenever he tried to form a sentence. He coughed awkwardly. "I-I sorta, um . . . " He looked down, not being able to look her in the eyes.

Kylee raised an eyebrow, amused. It wasn't everyday that you see the most powerful and confident Eagle stammering like a teenage boy telling a girl he likes her.


"Torstyn, what are you trying to say?" She asked in a softer tone, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "You don't, like, have feelings for me or something, right?"

He didn't reply.

Kylee started growing anxious, her heart pounding at each passing second. "T?" She asked, using her old nickname for him.

She saw him gulp before he finally met her eyes. "I . . . I do." He took a deep breath. "I really like you, Kylee."

His eyes bored into hers, showing nothing but truth. She gasped.

"I-I don't know what to say." She eyebrows came together in confusion, her face showing clear shock.

His face fell. "I'll give you time to think about it." He forced a smile before holding her hand. "Just let me do something first."

Before Kylee could ask, Torstyn kissed her.

He pulled away, seeming satisfied, and left her by herself in the storage room.


The next few days were filled with confusion and a lot of thinking on Kylee's part. She hasn't spoken to Torstyn since that night, and made every attempt to avoid him as much as possible.

Speaking of which, Torstyn was both anxious and hopeful, yelling at himself for being so lame, while trying not to seem heartbroken whenever she walked away from him.

The rest of the Eagles noticed the silent tension between the two, but they didn't say anything about it. They've seen Torstyn's really bad side and they do not want to relive the memories.

It's also been a week since their last encounter with Vey and his Electroclan. Dr. Hatch has been training them hard the last seven days, not helping the pair with their stress.

After five days of unspoken tension between the two, Tara couldn't take it anymore. Kylee and her were in her room, resting after another intense training session.

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