Hidden Feelings (Requested)

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Nichelle watched the two from the doorway, not making a sound. She got up to grab a bottle of water, to find them on the couch, watching a Disney movie. It was a good thing that they were facing the other way.

She watched as he smoothly put his arm around her, noticing how she leaned in to his touch. She saw Abi bury her head in his shoulder, most likely hiding her tears as Simba was trying to wake up Mufasa.

Nichelle looked longingly at the couple. At first, she mentally hated Abi for having what she doesn't. But she realized that she wasn't that person anymore. She's turned a new leaf.

It took a while getting used to, of course. To spend most of her life thinking that she will always get what she wants, and that she is superior to everyone else. She can't change her view of life in a day; that would be impossible.

But she was getting there, slowly but surely. And that's what matters.

It was hard sometimes. She got her whole life taken away from her when Hatch abandoned her. She still can't believe she actually trusted him.

Everything went downhill after that. She was stuck on the streets, no clue to where she was. She had no money or protection. She wasn't even special anymore. She had to get a job. Her biggest worry changed from disappointing Hatch to if she could survive.

Then Vey came back. She always blamed him for ruining her life. Then he showed her something she's never really experienced. Compassion. Trust. He trusted her, of all people. And after their mission, Nichelle was finally accepted into a group. Not out of fear, or because they had to, but they actually accepted her as a member of their family.

Somewhere along the way, Jack was thrown into the picture. She started having a little crush on him. He saved her multiple times during their mission, and he was one of the only people who was civil to her when everyone hated her. Not friendly, but close enough.

Then they got back to the safe house and Abi was there. Whatever crush Nichelle had developed on the boy seemed to only hurt her when she saw him interact with Abi. The way his eyes lit up, the way his mood instantly brightened with her by his side. He was obviously head over heels over the blonde.

She sighed as she watched the happy couple tease each other. She was still frozen at the doorway, hasn't moved since she saw them. She knew she should leave, before they noticed. That would just be awkward.

With one last look, Nichelle turned around to go back to her room. And for the first time in her miserable life, she let down her walls and cried over a boy.



Poor Nichelle :(

I really had no idea what direction to put his one shot in, I just let my hands type and this happened. Why do all of my 'secret crush' one shots end with sadness?

Requested by radrobinwrites! Hope you like it, as usual. Sorry for keeping you waiting, and sorry to the other people with requests who are still waiting. This seemed easiest to write out of all of them, but I'm working on the others!

P.S. I'm working on a MV fanfiction. More news coming soon!

Vote, comment, <3

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