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Power: The ability to create highly focused electricity that allows him to cut through objects.

Physical Description: Puerto-Rican, muscularly built.

Interesting Fact: Bryan once won a hot-dog eating contest at a fair. He ate 29 hot dogs in less than 7 minutes and claimed he could have eaten more if he'd been given some more ketchup.


"I don't understand why we're here." Kylee complained. "We could have literally gone anywhere else in the world. We could have gone to Paris!"

"Too bad, it is my turn to pick. Why didn't we go to Paris on your day?" Bryan said as the five of them entered the fair. He was too excited to give a sarcastic remark.

"I wanted to go to Italy!"

"We're definitely going to Paris on my day." Tara said, looking around in disgust. She agreed with Kylee, why would Bryan pick this gross county fair filled with chickens who barely make median wage?

Torstyn rolled his eyes. "Can you guys stop complaining? It's Bryan's choice, and I think it's refreshing to go to someplace simple for once."

"Yeah, we didn't complain when we had to go shopping with you two the other day. Why couldn't Griffin hold your bags?" Quentin asked.

"He was carrying our dresses. You guys carried our shoes."

"Why the heck do you need so many shoes?"

"We can't wear the same shoes twice. That's embarrassing."

Quentin and Torstyn looked at each other in disbelief and shook their heads.

Bryan, who stopped listening almost immediately after he responded to Kylee, whooped in excitement as he ran to what he's been looking for. The four other Eagles just walked after him. Once they turned a corner and saw what got him so excited, they gaped.

"A hotdog eating contest." Tara deadpanned.

They watched as Bryan took his spot and they counted down. The buzzer rang and Bryan expertly separated the hotdog from the bun, dipped the bun in his water, then basically swallowed it while he dipped the hotdog in ketchup. He finished it in under fifteen seconds.

"Gross." Kylee scrunched her nose at the sight of Bryan stuffing another bun in his mouth.

"He's good." Quentin said.

The Eagles watched as Bryan continued stuffing his mouth with hotdogs and buns. At the four minute mark, Quentin and Tara left to do something else. Torstyn followed a minute later, leaving Kylee to watch. The buzzer rang again at seven minutes, and Kylee just stared in disbelief as Bryan was pronounced the winner.

He walked up to her grinning like an idiot, ketchup all over his lips. As they walked away, Kylee took a napkin and wiped his mouth. "Hey!"

"You should thank me, that was gross."

"At least I won." Bryan smirked.

"You stuffed twenty hotdogs in your mouth in seven minutes, I wouldn't call that a win."

"Actually, I ate twenty-nine. And I could've eaten more if they gave me more ketchup." He grumbled the last part.

Kylee shook her head. "Like I said, gross."

He just smiled. "Hey, come here. I wanna tell you something."

She cautiously went closer and he opened his mouth. And burped.

"Eww!" She ran away, Bryan laughing behind her.



Short one shot! Inspired by the description of Bryan on the website. I added in some Brylee just cause :D

Vote, comment, and wish me luck on my first essay of this school year that I should be working on right now! <3

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