Jade Dragon (Requested)

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Lin YuLong knows a lot of things.

She knows obvious facts, like fire is hot and water is wet. She knows that she has a mother and father. She knows that her English name is Jade Dragon. She also knows that she is different.

She understood things differently than others, especially other children her age. She can comprehend the more complicated things in life with ease. Simple things to her were hard to others. But the others don't know that. They underestimate her because of her age and her disabilities. She doesn't need the ability to hear to figure out what they're saying. She doesn't need to talk to voice her thoughts. Yes, she has thoughts. She's human, just like everyone else. But they don't see her that way.

Frustrated is an understatement. She is tired of everyone's pitying looks when they see her. She is tired of being treated like a child (which, technically, she is. But she certainly doesn't think like one). She is frustrated, but she's learned to live with it.

That's why she has a blog. It is where she posts all her scientific findings and theories. Granted, very few people understand it, but the little feedback she gets makes her happy. And the people online don't see her for her autism or her inability to talk or hear. They read her posts with no bias and treat her like a normal scientist. Not a child.

Little did she know, she was treading dangerous waters.

A few days after posting one of her many papers, this one theorizing on electrically altered DNA, these men in black clothing came into her house and took her and her parents. At the time, Lin did not make the connection between the kidnapping and her paper. After all, she's posted many different papers and theories online with little response, why would this one be different?

It was obvious that whoever captured her did not know what to do with her. They wanted something, but there was no way for her to give it to them. And after realizing that they want the formula, there was no way she would ever give it to them. The formula was purely for her own entertainment while she was bored at home. It took her a few days to come up with it, and she knew how dangerous it could be if given to the wrong people. And these people should never get their hands on it.

Jade was starting to miss her boring life. The thought of just staying home and theorizing on various scientific topics seemed appealing compared to what has happened in the past week or so.

When they couldn't get her to indulge the formula, they put her in a cell. It was dark and she was scared. After a few hours, they dragged another girl in and left. She couldn't see much in the darkness, but the girl looked like one of the teenagers that she saw walking around before they put her in the cell. She was even wearing the the usual style of clothes that Jade remembers her in. There was, however, this weird contraption on her chest.

After an hour or two, the mystery girl got up groggily. She seemed confused before realizing where she was. Jade took a step toward her, wary of her glowing skin. The girl looked at her, and recognition seemed to show. She stepped toward Jade and crouched so they were about the same height. She was saying something, but Jade couldn't make out what.

Then she reached out her hand. Jade stared at it. The girl said something, seemingly reassuring her that it wouldn't hurt her. Jade reached out and touched it, before pulling back. The girl continued to be patient, not getting upset that she retracted her hand quickly. She then embraced her, and Jade squirmed uncomfortably. She was never good with touching others. The girl fortunately got the message and pulled back apologetically.

The girl seemed to be apologizing. Jade looked at her curiously. Why would they imprison such a nice girl? And specifically, with her?

Then Jade realized. They wanted the formula. They thought that the girl would somehow be able to get it from her.

But how? There was no way she would be able to get it unless she could somehow read her mind. Wait.

It wasn't entirely impossible. The other teenagers who glowed were able to do impossible things.

Jade started thinking of the formula. No reaction. Maybe they needed to be touching for her to read her mind. Testing her theory, she took a step forward and grabbed her arm.

The girl gasped. Jade could tell that she was reading her mind. No, the girl was inside her thoughts. She watched her memories of the Lung Li coming to her house. The girl not only watched, she felt everything the Jade went through. The needle poking her arm. The drug spreading through her body.

The girl turned her attention to the math portion of her thoughts. Jade started thinking of the formula, repeatedly until she was sure the girl got the message. She almost said it out loud, but Jade told her, without words, not to. To never repeat it, or tell anyone.

Jade let go of her arm. One thought came to her mind before she did. Taylor. She assumed it was her name.

Taylor looked at her. She seemed a little confused and was asking her something. Jade looked toward the door. Someone was coming.

The door opened and these guards came in, wearing these odd helmets. One of them was talking to Taylor. He seemed to be scaring her, if her expression was any indication. Taylor suddenly fell to the floor, and Jade went over and knelt down beside her. The guard threw a biscuit inside the cell, breaking into pieces once it hit the ground. The guard then threw in a paper and a pen, thus confirming Jade's theory. They wanted Taylor to write down the formula.

They left the room, and Taylor started to cry softly. She turned away to wipe away her tears and when she turned back, she looked at Jade differently. She then hugged her, and Jade stiffened again.

Taylor looked at her again, then screamed and jumped back. What was going on?

The door opened and another girl came in. She looked exactly like Taylor. Taylor screamed again and the girl laughed. They started talking and Jade figured that the girl had powers as well and did something to Taylor. That didn't explain their identical faces. Maybe they were twins?

Taylor then lunged at the other girl and they started fighting. Jade stepped back in fear. What was happening? Suddenly, the contraption on Taylor's chest lit up and Taylor fell down. It was hurting her.

The other girl spat out some remarks before she left, leaving Taylor on the ground in pain.

Jade went over to Taylor. She didn't know what to do, how could she help? She just sat by her as she screamed, feeling helpless.



Requested by Hailietheofficial! I hope you like it. I'm sorry it's not that good :(

I wasn't really sure how to write this, I have little knowledge on autism and didn't want to write anything that doesn't really match up. I just wrote it how I felt, and now I hope for the best. I am not trying to offend or make fun of autistic people. I really am sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject.

Anyway! While writing this, I realized something. You know how in MV4 Tara switched with Taylor at the night market and they switched clothes as well? Well, Tara's description on the MV website says that she is always dressed up in expensive clothing. I can just imagine Taylor realizing what she was wearing and wanting to change immediately. And when Quentin had to distinguish the two from each other, it didn't help him that Taylor was dressed like Tara since he always used clothes as a factor, knowing that Taylor grew up modestly and never wore that kind of stuff. And when Michael rescues her, he's confused for a second because that's not how Taylor dresses.

I might be thinking too much into that.


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