Michael Gives His Blessing

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Joel was walking through the base, heading outside to have a nice midnight walk with Sharon. When he entered the living room, he stopped in his tracks.

The television was on, with the volume just loud enough to hear but not too loud to disturb anyone. The colorful scene of Harry Potter catching the snitch for the first time contrasted greatly against the darkness of the barely lit room.

He walked around the couch to turn off the television, but paused when he saw a figure sitting on the opposite chair. The figure was curled up in a ball, and soft, even breaths could be heard. In the dark room, Joel could make out tear tracks on their face. They cried themselves to sleep.

As he slowly walked toward the chair, he could start making out more details about them. It was a boy, one of the Electroclan members. He had blonde hair and was wearing a long sleeved shirt with sweatpants. Upon closer inspection, Joel could see markings on his wrist where his sleeve went up. Leichtenberg figures.

Michael stirred a little. "No." He murmured. His face contorted into a look of distress, then fear. "Take me instead."

He suddenly flew up, his eyes snapping open as he desperately called "Mom!" He looked around with wide eyes, ticking wildly as he took short, shallow breaths, gulping for air. He calmed down a little and his tics lessened.

Joel took a small step. Michael apparently hasn't noticed him until then, seen by how he flinched back as his head swung quickly to look at him. He sighed in relief.

"Bad dream?" Joel said softly, not wanting to scare the boy further. He could only nod in reply. "Want to talk about it?"

Michael opened his mouth, only to close it again. It was a really terrible dream. One that he'd like to never speak about or even think about ever again. Although maybe it would help. Hesitantly, he started describing it.

"I-I was tied to a chair. I couldn't get out. There was a TV in front of me, and it was showing a live video of my mom. She was in Cell 25 and she was being tortured." Michael got a little choked up and he blinked back the tears threatening to form. "I couldn't do anything. Hatch's voice was echoing through my head, telling me how it was my fault. And she started screaming."

Michael's voice cracked at the end. He looked down and tried to stop the tears, rubbing his eyes furiously.

Joel quickly went by his side. "Hey, it's okay to cry. It's better to let it out once in a while than hold it in all the time." He rubbed Michael's back comfortingly and waited until the teen stopped crying.

Michael looked up. "Thank you."

"No problem." Joel smiled and stood up. "You should be heading off to bed, you have a very important mission coming soon."

Michael nodded and slowly stood up. He hesitated at Joel's side for a moment before giving the man a hug.

They parted and smiled at each other. They both turned away, Michael turning off the television and Joel heading outside.

"Where're you going?" Michael checked his watch. "It's almost midnight."

"I'm going on a late night walk - with Sharon." Joel was hesitant in sharing the last piece of information, but Michael was going to find out anyway.

Michael narrowed his eyes. Crossing his arms, he nodded to the couch. "Take a seat."

The man obliged with an amused look on his face. Michael stood in front of him, silent.

Joel cleared his throat. "Uh, I should-"

"My mom has dealt with a lot of crap."

He blinked. "I know that."

"First she finds out that her baby is a freak."

"You're not a freak-"

"Which, by the way, was partially her husband's fault. Then, the freak baby kills her husband. On top of that, this evil and powerful organization is out to get her because they want the freak baby. So she runs and hides. The freak baby grows into a freak kid who shocks people unintentionally. So she has to run and hide again. Then the freak kid turns into a freak teen. The freak teen manages to screw up the normal life they've been living for a few years, and she gets kidnapped by the evil corporation that wants her freak teen. She gets tortured and is forced to eat dead rats and feces recycled into a granola bar. Then the freak teen manages to do one thing right and save her. Oh, but then, she has to survive in the jungle. She is thin, pale, and weak, and now she has to go through a frickin jungle? And, get this, she is stressed because the freak teen basically gives himself up to the evil corporation that she has been protecting him from for years.

"My mom is the best mom anyone could have, and I know she deserves a better kid, a better life. But I can't do that for her. But you can."

Michael sat down next to Joel, lowering his voice. "I have never seen my mom smile or laugh as much before she met you. She could have been that way with my dad, but I don't really remember. But, for years, I've made her stressed and anxious. But you've made her happy, in only a few months."

Michael paused. He narrowed his eyes at Joel. "I like you. But if you do anything to hurt my mother, you'll be the same as the Elgen in my eyes."

Joel nodded. "I understand."

Michael nodded slowly. They both got up to go their separate ways.

"Oh, Michael?" He turned around from the foot of the stairs.

Joel said softly, "You're not a freak. You're a hero." He left.

"Hey, what took so long? I thought you were ditching me." Sharon nudged his arm with a smile.

He smiled at her, his eyes twinkling. "I would never ditch you."

They talked for a few minutes before starting their walk, unknowing to the teenage boy at the foot of the stairs.

Who smiled.

Joel-Michael talk! Requested by SeaWing, I hope you like it!

Next one shot: two troublemakers get busted with the mauraders map, AU style :)

Michael Vey One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora