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He looked at her face, entranced by her glittering eyes and her breathless expression as she watched the play. Those same eyes turned sorrowful as the scene played out in front of her, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

Onstage, Prince Phillip just arrived to see Aurora. He quickly made his way to her side, disbelief and sadness clear on his face. He brought his hand to her cheek, staring longingly at her face.

A soft cry got Michael's attention. He turned to his right to see a tear roll down her cheek. His heart ached as he remembered the last time he saw her cry. The day he swore to protect her against all odds, no matter the repercussions.

She smiled at the performance, standing up with the crowd as they gave a standing ovation. Michael blinked and looked up, surprised to see that the play was ending so soon.


"That was really good." Taylor said as they walked outside. The cool wind hit her bare shoulders, causing her to shiver.

Michael took off his jacket without hesitation and wrapped it around her. She smiled in thanks. "You know, you shouldn't have worn a sundress in this weather."

She scowled playfully. "It's not supposed to be this cold in September."

They walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

"So how's your first time in New York going?" Michael asked.

"Pretty good," she looked over at him with teasing eyes. "The company could be better, though."

He played along and gasped dramatically. "I am amazing company, I'll have you know that my fish loved hanging out with me."

They chuckled as they continued silently walking through the crowds, no real destination in mind.


Quentin sat in his chair, tapping his fingers rhythmically as he tried to overcome his boredom. He checked the time impatiently and sighed. The door opened and he got up, purposely exaggerating his annoyed features.

"How long does it take to order coffee? I've been sitting by myself, in the cold, like an idiot."

"Sorry, the cashier was leering at me so I made him mess up the order and asked for a better barista." She handed him his cup and he raised an eyebrow. "And how, exactly, did you do that?"

Tara smiled. "I made the coffee look like a bunch of ants. You should've seen him, he screamed like a girl."

Quentin just shook his head. They started walking side by side, the occasional sip being heard. "What part of 'don't draw attention to yourself' do you not understand? We're here for a little while before flying to Alaska for a meeting."

She sighed and looked up at him, catching his stern look. "I know, and I wasn't drawing attention to myself, I drew attention to the creep. Besides, it's not like so-"

She stopped abruptly as they both crashed into two people, spilling coffee on her new jacket. "Watch where you're going you stupid-"

Tara looked up and her disgust skyrocketed.

Both couples jumped back, tense, expecting the other to make the first move.

Quentin looked around for any reinforcements and relaxed as he realized this encounter was unintentional. His expression conveyed no feeling, however. "Vey."

Michael held his glare, uncertainty in his eyes. Taylor visibly relaxed and said out loud, "This was an accident." He looked at her and she continued. "They're both surprised, too, and Quentin just realized the same thing."

"I see your powers are improving." Tara sneered. "So are mine."

Michael had time to furrow his eyebrows in confusion before someone tackled him from behind. He shocked the person in surprise and the stranger jumped back in pain, only to advance again. He stopped mid-stride and blinked. As he regained his focus, Michael realized that his pupils were extremely dilated. They shrank to normal and the stranger gave them all weird looks before walking off.

"You ruin everything." Tara glared at her sister. "I was just playing around."

"If I hadn't rebooted him he would've kept fighting! He could've gotten hurt."

Quentin noticed the crowd forming around them and murmured a warning to Tara. She ignored him.

Taylor screamed as she clutched her head. Alarmed, yet not knowing what to do, Michael went to her side.

"The brain is fascinating, isn't it? You just gotta know the rights parts to trigger and-" Tara blinked and Taylor sighed in relief.

Michael threw a small ball of lightning at her, only to be caught by Quentin. It shocked him and he portrayed no emotion except for a slight wince. He turned to his girlfriend and said through gritted teeth, "Seriously, Tara. Lay low."

"I am not laying low after that."

Tara launched herself at Taylor and the two fell to the ground, only recognizable as a blur of kicks and punches. Michael tried to break them apart, only to get a kick to the face. Quentin recovered and was exasperated at his girlfriend's lack of following directions. The crowd forming around them was not helping.

He turned to Michael. "Shock them."

Michael was flabbergasted, whether from the request or the mere fact that his enemy was ordering him to do something, he wasn't sure himself.


"Vey, it's either that or both our girlfriends will end up in the hospital."

He hesitated. "Vey!"

Both girls screamed before their respective boyfriends grabbed them and carried them away. Quentin nodded at Michael as they went their separate ways.

The crowd around them parted to let them through, before all them blinked and forgot what just happened.



Yay I actually finished a one shot for the first time in a while. I've sort of been having a writers block, combined with all the final exams in school, yeah. I'm sorry for not keeping with my promise of updating once a month. I will honestly try to update more.

Anyway! Hope you liked! I have a list of requests that I need to do now. <3

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