Curmen Vampire

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I wrote this like five years ago. When I was ten. Give my ten year old self a break will ya. I started this BEFORE i read Twilight. I'm NOT proud of this. I do want to save it, though. I could save it to my laptop, but what if I don't have the same laptop in ten years? I didn't bother to go through and check things. In ten years if I read this, I want to see exactly how my 10 year self wrote.

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It was a cold and stormy night when a little girl with blond, almost white, hair was walking. In her arms she was cradling a little doll that looked exactly like her, light blond hair, light green eyes, porcelains skin. The dolls wavy hair was done up just like the girls, straight down her back. It reached her waist. The girl was now spinning in circles with the doll in her arms. Her hair was soaked, along with her black skirt, black shirt, and her black shoes.

The moon above was full, but you couldn't tell do to the smoky gray clouds. The night was cold do to the rain. The little girl laughed with enjoyment, but the sound was drowned out for a few seconds for the thunder in the background was heard. The lightning soon came and lit up the street. Behind the little girl you could see another outline of a ''human''

''Aimee! Come Here!''

''Keene! We don't have to leave right this second do we?''

A boy, about two years older then Aimee stepped towards her, ''Yes! We must! The hunters have already killed our parents, then, tonight, they killed our older sister! Did you already forget about them killing Victoria. We must leave before they come for us! The last of the Curmen family! I mean, how would you feel if our whole family disappeared, just because of one mistake. Like playing out in the rain....WHILE YOUR SICK!''

''Keene! I'm not that sick. I feel perfectly alright! I promise. '' she lied

Keene ran his hand threw his black, shoulder length hair, then looked at Aimee. He then looked behind her. He pointed towards an abandoned house. ''We'll go the-'' he stopped right their. Aimee fainted from being sick, then going out in the rain. Her fever was worst now. She fell in a puddle, the doll fell out of her arms, and skidded about twenty feet. Keene heard a gun shot, ran over to Aimee, picked her up, and brought her towards the empty house.

He went inside, lied Aimee down on the ragged couch, then quickly went to close and lock the door. He sat next to her and slowly fell asleep.

''Aimee, Keene, Victoria, quickly, HIDE!'' a brown haired woman yelled as she ran towards her bedroom door. Her face was full of mixed emotions. She wanted to make sure her kids were safe, but she also didn't want them to witness an accident. She stood next to the man with the black hair, and green eyes. He kept his emotions more hidden. He didn't want to frighten the kids anymore then they already were.

''Quickly kids! I don't know how much longer we can hold. There are at least three hunters out their, who want me and your mother dead! Now HIDE!'' the older man said as gently as he could, as not to frighten the children. He also didn't want to mention the fact that the hunters would kill them as well, if they spotted the children.

Victoria the oldest daughter, and child, quickly put her shoulder length hair into a pony tail, then she went to help her brother and sister hide, ''Keene, Aimee, quickly, hide under the bed, behind all the suitcases. I'll be hiding, so don't worry about me!''

Victoria wasn't the most brave of the children, nor the smartest, but she was the best leader. Was it just because she was the oldest? She could easily connect with her siblings, more then they could connect with her? Was it because she use to help take care of them?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2010 ⏰

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