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You wake up to kisses all over your face from Joe. You groan and giggle, rolling over so your back is to him.

"Babe, it's Easter! Come on!" Joe shouted, his voice obviously excited.

You groaned again, pulling the blanket over your head, "go away."

"But chooooocccccoooollllaaaatttteee!" Joe whined.

"Chocolate?" You immeaditly sprung up and ran out the room into the living room to see Joe made a heart out of Easter eggs on the floor with your name, his name and the date you started dating in the middle. Your heart melted and jumped into Joe's arms, "I love you so much, Joe." "I love you so much, too, (y/n)."

Andy –

"Ugh, I hate that you're vegan when it's this time of year," you groaned as you walked past the easter egg section of the supermarket.

Andy chuckled and stuck his tongue, causing you to roll your eyes so loud that Andy could hear it. You knew Andy wouldn't let you buy any dairy products while you were out with him so you didn't even bother picking up a packet.

"You know you love me," Andy giggled as he kissed your cheek.

"Not right now I don't." You crossed your arms, looking back at the easter eggs you had passed.

Andy sighed, seeing you act like a 4 year old girl when it came to easter eggs, "go get some." he rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Andy nodded, obviously not wanting to. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" You said without taking a breath, running back and grabbing as many boxes as you could handle.

Andy giggled, kissing you again. You loved that stupid vegan.

Patrick –

You and Patrick were asleep in your warm bed in the position you had fallen asleep in; your head on Patrick's chest, Patrick's arms around your waist. It was 7am before Declan came in yelling.

"Its easter! Its easter! Hurry up and give me the eggs that the bunny left!" Declan yelled, jumping on the bed and on yours and Patrick's legs.

You sat up and grabbed the small boy, cuddling him in between you and Patrick, "a good morning mummy and daddy would've been nice," you giggled and looked at Patrick who was smiling at your son.

"Good morning mummy! Good morning daddy!" Declan beamed with that bright smile of his. "Now can I have my chocolate?"

Patrick giggled as he picked Deccan up and sat him on his shoulders, "manners?" Patrick asked.

"Pleeeeeease daddy?" Declan gained balance on Patrick's shoulders, grabbing his dads hands to stay stable.

"Chocolate!" Patrick yelled as he walked as fast as he could with Declan on his shoulders, ducking a little as he walked out the door.

Patrick walked out to the living room with you hot on his heels. Declan let out a gasp when he saw all of the chocolate "the easter bunny" had left. Patrick put him down and he bolted for his chocolate straight away.

"This bunny is as big as me!" He squealed, "and this jar of nutella is bigger than my head!"

You and Patrick sat on the couch as you cuddled into his chest. You both agreed that although parenting was really challenging, you were both doing a great job at it.

Pete –

"Where's my chocolate!?" Pete shouted as he walked around the house. "Babe what the fuck?"

You giggled as you say in your bed, he came storming in with an angry face, "why don't I have easter eggs?"

"Because you're a grown ass meme?" You asked with a small giggle, Pepe starting to get angry.

"I want chocolate," he stated as he sat down and crossed his arms. "And I want chocolate now."

You stood up, softly slapping his face twice with a giggle.

"Don't you dare slap the meme lord." Pete frowned.

"Honey, if anyone is a meme lord, it's Joe. Joe is such a better memer than you. You're a meme wannabe, Joe is the meme lord."

"I'm triggered, how could you do this?" Pete asked before leaving the room.

You then got your stash of easter chocolate and spent the rest of the day eating chocolate.


Wow it's been so long since I've updated, I'm so sorry but I've had writers block for sO lOng!!

Anyways, i hope you all have a great easter lmao much love

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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