Your Favorite Movie

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Joe -

A Haunted House 2.

This was the first movie you an Joe seen together, and you had your first kiss when it ended. You both were in tears of laughter, and you seen the best of each other.

Andy -


On your first date, Andy took you to the cinema to watch this. You both loved the role Jack Black played, and were amazed by all of the different creatures.

Patrick -

Finding Nemo.

You first met Patrick at a dress up party, where he was dressed as Marlin, and you were dressed as Dory. He walked up to you and said "wanna create a part two to Finding Nemo, starring Marlin and Dory?" You fell in love with him instantly, and watched Nemo together that night.

Pete -


When you first met Pete, he was saying how he created the look "magnum" and Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) stole it. When he first seen you, he said "I wonder if I can steal your heart with my look," then flashed you "magnum". Zoolander was the first movie you watched as a couple purely for that reason.


So, I don't know if they even like these movies, but they're personally my favorites. If you haven't watched them, I suggest to.

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