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(Choose a male name for you ((or use your own name if you're a boy)) for this imagine. It was requested by one of my friends but he wants it to be annon)

You and Joe have been dating for a while. The first couple of months that you guys were dating went pretty well, but then you told him something that he didn't quite like.

"Joe.", you nervously start. You are both standing in the kitchen as your anxiety levels get higher. "There's something I need to tell you.."

Joe looks at you with a smile, "what is it, baby girl?"

You cringe at him calling you that. "Baby girl". You hated it. You hated being called a girl or people using female pronouns for you because you're not a girl. I mean, yeah, you're physically a girl, but you're not mentally. You are transgender. A boy.

"I'm. . . I'm transgender. . .", you say, dropping your head.

"R-really?", Joe asks as you nod your head. "Oh. . ."

You could tell that Joe didn't like it and ever since then, he started to act differently around you. He never used male pronouns and he always used your birth name even though you've asked him to use your male name and he/him pronouns.

You've spoken to Andy about this a lot of times because he's your best friend, and he knows that you don't deserve that. Ever since you told Andy, he immediately started calling you your preferred name and started using male pronouns for you.

"You know that I could treat you better than Joe ever has or will, right?", Andy says out of no where.

You blush and look down. "W-what?"

"I love you, (y/n), and I love you as a boy. Joe loves you as a girl. He told me himself that if you had a dick, he wouldn't date you because he doesn't like boys like that. It's only because you have a female body.. But I love you no matter how you identify. You're the most perfect person I've ever met and the fact is, I'm absolutely in love with you."

You had been losing feelings for Joe ever since you came out, and you felt yourself drifting towards Andy but you didn't want to say anything because you were afraid he didn't feel the same way. Now that he's said this, you know it's safe to admit. Instead of saying anything at first, you simply crash your lips onto his.

"I love you, Andrew.", you smile, breaking the kiss.

"I love you too, (y/n). I always have."

You break up with Joe that night and you can finally go to sleep tonight knowing that your boyfriend really does love you; a feeling you haven't had in quite some time.

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